Drawing Challenge #2 - Rosy Rose - Draw with Susan🌹【羞答答的玫瑰靜悄悄地開 - 跟Susan一起畫玫瑰】

in #drawingchallenge7 years ago (edited)


Hi my Steemit friends!! Long time no see! Are you doing great? :) Today I'd like to invite you to draw a ROSE with me🌹 !! Thanks @helene for giving me the opportunity to share my drawing with you by holding the Drawing Challenge :) If you're interested, don't hesitate to join!

親愛的Steemit朋友們大家好!好久不見了!你們還好嗎?:) 今天,我想邀請大家跟我一起畫玫瑰🌹!感謝 @helene舉辦Drawing Challenge,給了我這個機會與大家分享我的作品:) 有興趣的朋友記得參加哦!

螢幕快照 2017-08-17 下午12.30.16.png

Why Rose?【為何選擇玫瑰?】

Rose is not as sallow as you might think. While it represents romantic love, it also symbolizes passion, devotion, honor, resurrection and victory. In Greek legends, rose is the symbol of wisdom and beauty (however, it also symbolizes arrogance). Moreover, roses frequently appear as literary metaphors. For instance,

  • "Truths and ROSES have thorns about them." -Henry David Thoreau, American author, and
  • "Some people are always grumbling about roses having thorns; I am thankful that thorns have ROSES." -Alphonse Karr, French critic

Rose has given me positive energy, as well as inspired me not to give up whenever I am about to. True, they are thorny. Yet, they are glamourous.

其實,玫瑰沒有大家想像中那麼膚淺。它固然是愛情的代名詞,但它還象徵著熱情忠誠榮耀重生勝利。在希臘傳說中,玫瑰代表著智慧美貌 (然而,同時代表了自傲)。除此之外,玫瑰還常常以隱喻的形式出現在文學作品中。比如說:

  • 真相與玫瑰一樣,佈滿了刺。 - Henry David Thoreau, 美國作家,和
  • 有人不停埋怨玫瑰有刺;但我感激刺擁有玫瑰。- Alphonse Karr, 法國評論家


螢幕快照 2017-08-17 下午12.30.16.png

Material Used: Colour Pencils【材料:彩色鉛筆】

I chose to use (water)colour pencils for they're my favourite ;p Personally, STAEDTLER's green colours look perfect. Except the below two pencils, I used pencils from FABER-CASTELL :)

我選擇(水溶)彩色鉛筆,因為它們是我最喜歡的繪畫工具 ;p 個人來說,STAEDTLER牌的綠色比較漂亮。除了以下的兩支綠色彩鉛,我選擇的都是FABER-CASTELL牌的 :)



螢幕快照 2017-08-17 下午12.30.16.png

Step 1: Create the outline of the rose and its leaves【第一步:勾勒出花和葉的輪廓】



螢幕快照 2017-08-17 下午12.30.16.png

Step 2: Add layers to create gradient colors【第二步:一層一層加上去,形成漸變】

Although the first layer is light yellow, DON't fill in all the spaces because it'll make the flower appear "stolid".



The SECOND layer!! Could you tell the difference? ;p



The FIFTH layer!



The X layer!!



The LAST layer!! I used DARK PURPLE instead of black to finish the outline because it'll look more natural.



The leaves are NO LESS important than the flower itself. I used yellow to construct the FIRST layer, too.



Then, add various green colours to create 3-dimensionality.



I chose to add WARM colours like orange, brown and red as they could make the leaves more lively.



Have you noticed that I've used DARK BLUE instead of green at the bottom?






螢幕快照 2017-08-17 下午12.30.16.png

Challenge 1: Colour【挑戰一:顏色】

Below are the colours I used in my drawing. There are 12 LAYORS for the rose and I used 15 COLOURS to finish the leaves!!! You have to be EXTREMELY careful and patient to deal with them. Definitely challenging!!!




Challenge 2: Scale【挑戰二:比例】

You might have noticed that the leaves were BIGGER before I coloured them ;p It's quite challenging to decide the scale of the leaves since they're definitely important, but they shouldn't be more eye-catching than the rose.

大家可能都留意到在我上色之前,葉子是十分的 ;p 決定葉子的比例是比較困難的事,因為它們雖然重要,但不能喧賓奪主。

Before 前

After 後

螢幕快照 2017-08-17 下午12.30.16.png

Tired of my drawing? Let's learn something new!!


Interesting Fact: We've all heard of the phrase "UNDER THE ROSE". This expression comes from the practice of Romans HANGING ROSES above meeting tables.It means that anything said at this table, beneath the hanging roses, was FORBIDDEN to be repeated elsewhere. That's why roses also represent secrets. 趣味小知識:英文有一個詞組"under the rose". 什麼?在玫瑰下?其實,這是「秘密」的意思。羅馬人有時會在開會時把玫瑰吊在會議桌上。意思為:在這張桌子旁、這朵玫瑰下說過的話,絕不可在他處說出。這就是玫瑰代表「秘密」的典故。

螢幕快照 2017-08-17 下午12.30.16.png

Lastly, here's the STEP-BY-STEP process of my drawing. Hope you like it:):)



Once again, my rose :):)

再一次,我的玫瑰 :):)


I've NEVER learnt drawing, but I enjoying drawing veryyyy much. It takes time, and you have to do a lot of practice. There's still much room for improvement for my drawing skills. However, I believe that if you're willing to put effort on whatever you want to achieve, you're gonna succeed:) Thank you for reading and I wish everyone a ROSY future!!!!!


螢幕快照 2017-08-17 下午12.30.16.png

Please follow me @susanlo! Thanks a lot for your support! ❤️

請追蹤我 @susanlo!謝謝你的支持!❤️

There are 2 pages

Beautiful drawing....

Thanks veryyy much :)


謝謝甜心的讚賞>V<!!好高興哦>V< !我會繼續努力的!!:):)


謝謝helene>v< 我真的用了很長的時間來畫這幅畫:') 能得到認同真的很欣慰TT 謝謝你的讚賞:) 我是個完美主義者,所以做什麼都會盡最大努力💪也很感謝helene在比賽帖子中分享美麗的花哦>v<做了好示範!我會更努力的!:):)

@susanlo 真有天份,赞一个!

謝謝 @rea!!真的好榮幸呀!期望我能畫得越來越好!>v< Thanks a lottttt!

Entry noted.

Thanks beautyyyyyy :)



I am new on steemit.this is my first post.
Please go and upvote my first post.

Great step by step tutorial, well done @susanlo.

Thanks veryy much :))

superb. incredible. i am sure that one day you will be like Picasso:-)

Thanks soo much for your compliment :) I'll work hard!!!

always welcom.but you missed the one thing and that is upvote:-)


I am new on steemit.this is my first post.
Please go and upvote my first post.


A big big wow, thumbs up for that. @susanlo you are so talented and gifted

A big big thanksssss to you!!! Haha thanks for your appreciation. Cheers:)

Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your talents here on SteemIt! I look forward to seeing more of what your up to! :)

Thanks a lot for your support! Cheers :)

Of course! I always admire people who are following their passions and further developing their craft! Keep going and know that your work is appreciated! :D

Thanks sooo much!! I'm really glad to hear that :) I will!!

Awesome tutorial!

Thanks very much :)

Hi Susanlo nice post so i resteemed its

Thanks soo much for your support! :)

Welcome! Good 😊 luck.

Thanks very much :)

Your post is very interesting, because you explain it very detail at every stage. I like it. Plus a very detailed leaf color with realistic color gradations. good work.

Thanks veryyy much for your compliment :) I'm glad you like it ;pp

Great Art. followed and upvoted.

Thanks sooo much :):)

you win sai la

Your Korean tree should win la ;p

You are so talented ! nice work .

Thanks very much!!! I spent ages to draw this XD

Nice post @susanlo, it seems you are very proficient in drawing. seen from the flower you figure these days, looks beautiful and how to make this flower picture coloring come alive. very interesting. ;)

Thanks a lot:) haha I'm not a pro, but I'll work harder to probably be one! I'm glad you like it:) Cheers!


不謝! :)

Seriously sooooo 靚!

Thanks soooo much !!!! XD



Really amazing artwork rose
Colors choice for Rose is very nice
Great work and good luck

Thanks so much for your support!!!! >V< I'll practice hard to improve! :)


謝謝讚賞!!>V< 我會加油的!



Lovely drawing 👍

Thanks a lot Joy :)





For some one who has never learned to draw you have an amazing God given talent. this picture brings a whole new meaning to this contest. I am going to have to re draw my whole collection. well done. thanks for sharing.

Thanks sooo much for your compliment >V< Maybe I'm talented, but I spent much time drawing like ages in drawing this LOLL!! I'm glad to see my efforts pay off and equally glad you like it!!! Haha I'm sure with practice you can draw like me! Cheers :) YOU CAN!!!

:) i hope so, i am pretty good but yours was better :)



You have a great talent!

Thanks very much !!:)

wow amazing artwork :)

Thanks very much for your compliment :):)

Sense of humor is important in life, not just in clothing. How boring to live a life in beige.

Haha! Agree~But I think I do have a sense of humor ;pp Just that we can't see it in this post LOL!


謝謝支持!! :)



I really like your post, I will wait for the next posting

Thanks soo much for your support :) Cheers!

Hi @susanlo Glad to writte you..! Your draws are beautiful...! congratulations from Venezuela..! Hugs and kisses for you

Thanks a lot!!! haha I'm happy to know you like it!! Cheers :)

Nice post.i resteem your post on my blog
I am new on steemit.this is my first post.
Please go and upvote my first post.

Nice post and really nice artwork :) Keep it up!

Thanks very much! I will :)

Greetings I am new I look for followers and I am following you good post

Haha welcome to Steemit! :) Thanks and I've followed you ;p

Wonderful creation @susanlo.. :)
Nice to see you back again here.. Seems like you have been busy at school right? ^u^
Have a great day Susan! Keep it up & always do you best!
Much love from the Philippines. :)

Haha thanks for your continuous support!! Yup I'm quite busy these days...
Ohh sure I'll do my best and bring more in the future!
Have a nice evening :)

Yooo!! It's a rainy evening here in Manila. Too cold!! :)

Hope you are always doing fine there. Didn't knew you have a talent in drawing. Keep it up susan! Next time please draw a cat! Hihi.. ;)

Haha HK's hot ;p
Thanks :) I might draw one next time ;pp

Thanks for the information .. i am happy to see this news .. help devoted me

Wonderful talent! I like how you added the different stages of the process. I know this was part of the challenge, but maybe you can draw something from one of your trips to Europe!

Haha thanks very much!! Glad to know you like it ;pp
I'd love to do that! But I guess it's too difficult for me to draw such a complicated scene LOLL!! But I'll try to improve and draw better! Cheers :)

Amazing drawing, you made the rose looks lively and lovely. Steem on.

Thanks soo much :):) Cheers!

Hai susan.
i like you art because drawing is my hobbies.

Hii there :) Thanks a lot! haha I like drawing too ! Cheers ;p


多謝ZZ讚賞!>V< 比左好多時間落去XD 你都加油,相信你都得既!!

That is beautiful artwork, you are talented :)

Thanks sooo much for your compliment :) Cheers!

Thank you for this post. I have been very interested in learning in drawing lately. I really appreciate that you explained why and how you did what you did with your rose. I am going to draw a rose today. I'm going to follow you so I can keep up with your challenge.

Oh thanks soo much for your compliment!! I'm really glad to hear that!! Haha I wish to let others know the process of drawing so I decided to take photo of each step ;p
Good luck to your rose! Cheers:)

There are 2 pages