NOTE: Watched season 1 in full and a few episodes from the second season.
Series in one sentence:
Watch different cartoon characters act like annoying whores for your supposed enjoyment.
Series in more sentences:
A bunch of cartoon characters spend their days inside a mansion, in front of hidden cameras. Basically a Big Brother parody.
I really tried to sit through this, but stopped halfway the second season. I couldn't take it anymore. I deleted all the episodes I had already downloaded and moved on to watch something actually entertaining.
Sometimes the first season of a show is there to steer it into its preferred direction, and I wanted to give this a chance, but it all just seemed to get worse. The Big Brother formula already disgusts me, and I felt the same kind of annoyance for this cartoon. It has an interesting concept, but didn't execute it properly;
Here we have all these characters, parodying an existing fictional character, but weren't even parodied right. The only one who acts like the character it's based off is the Disney princess, as for the Link knock-off in the first few episodes, but then they made him homosexual and he never refers to his inspired character again.
The superhero character only had one Superman backstory reference, but acts like an annoying whore the rest of the time, the Spongebob character was uninteresting since day one and then suddenly acts like an annoying whore, the Betty Boop character has this weird theme going on where she's considered fat, is always the villain, and is in overall an annoying whore, the random fox lady is the definition of a whore, and the internet pig was solely made to act like an annoying whore. So basically, all these characters are the internet pig, no matter what type of cartoon they're supposed to represent.
Pikachu is pretty much the only character who doesn't annoy me every time he's on screen.
I feel absolutely nothing for these characters or the random disgusting scenes that go nowhere. The show isn't funny enough for me to tolerate it.
I doubt I ever saw it, but probably would not watch it either and gave up on it way earlier.
It's anger-inducing.