I’ve covered the grounds of learning to dream again (last post). This time my aim is to help you to believe that your dream can become a reality.
Today’s topic is shifting from dreaming to reality. I’m gonna start with my dream and build around it, but let me assure you that the key concepts will apply to you as well.
Here we go. My dream is to become a successful actress. Easy right? Maybe not...
I’ll be straight honest with you. When I started taking acting courses (last September) I instantly realised that I really enjoy doing it and want to become better and better at it. So I gave it my all and it became my obsession.
I met an awesome girl who is so talented, and the best thing is that she does not even realise how good she is, because this is who she is. And I am 100% sure that she will become a Hollywood A-list actress one day. She kept on telling me the same thing about me. But there was just a slight issue. I kept on saying that “if I am going to be an actress”, or “if I will get an agent”, or “if I am going to get an audition”, until I realised that using and thinking the word “if” is one of the worst things you can do to yourself. Why? Because it sets doubts and even excuses not to succeed.
But after my first video recording in the studio, it's when the character just took over me and I have never felt a sensation like that... so fulfilling, so challenging, so enjoyable, I knew that acting is what I want to do! So I shifted from using if to saying when and how.
But there were, and still are, fears like maybe I am not young enough, maybe I will not succeed? You know all those thoughts that creep up on you and want you to stop you from doing what you actually want the most. But I got the best advice from a 92-year old man, who told me: “If you really want to succeed and put all your energy into it, you will succeed”. I am taking his words for it.
Great thing is that I never thought “maybe I am not good enough” because I have always lived thinking that if someone else can do it, so can I.
Here are my tips that may help to make your dream become a reality.
Consistency. I was afraid that maybe I am not young enough to become an actress. Of course there are roles for every age in the movie, but looking at many of the great and famous actors and actresses, they have started at the young age and have worked their way up. But that is being consistent. They are not that good because they started young, but because they were consistent in what they did and kept on working hard to get what they wanted.
There is a saying: “People overestimate what they can do in a year, and underestimate what they can do in 5 years”.
Think about it, does it apply to you? Are you a restless person who jumps from one thing to another and cannot find any success? Well, maybe your answer is patience. You have to give time as success does not come instantly. Consistency cannot exist without patience as things will not work out for the best every single time. Negative experience stretches you as a person. So next time you start something and when the first challenge comes, and you are ready to run, stop for a second and think maybe this time you will face the challenge with patience instead?You will need a hard work and luck. Yes, they come hand in hand. I have heard people saying to me many times that I am lucky to have what I have or to do what I do. I admit that luck has something to do with it as I have been in places at the right time. But it does not come without a bloody hard work! Loosing hours of sleep, sometimes not even having time to eat because there are so many things in line to get done, being on the run and barely at home. Loving every single minute of it, but it is also a hard work. So remember: when luck comes knocking on your door, you gotta be ready! And you will be, if you have worked hard previous to that fatal knock on your door by Mr. Luck!
My mum used to tell me that women love with their ears and men love with their tummies. It is true. We, women, love nice words, promises and so on. And then yet we get our hearts broken if those words just stay as words. Same applies to dreaming. You can create thousands of images in you head and hope that law of attraction does it all for you, but that’s not the case. You gotta act!
ACTION has consequences and you need them to take you a step closer to achieving your dream. So if you want your dream to come true then you have to put an effort in as actions, which is actually our previous point=hard work!
There are many other ways, but the above four are my main guidelines. As you see, they are linked to each other. One cannot exist without another. Try them! But first, get your head sorted and forget about the word “if”. If (hahah) you really want something badly, then the only questions you should be asking are WHEN&HOW!
And the other half will happen if you put hard work in.