Folk Hero

in #dream5 years ago


I've made a purchase with my red debit card but for some reason it was illegal and the moment clerk realized it, I was already at the window ready to jump. An airplane came close and I grabbed onto its wing. Ground below was too rocky and only option was to wait for the coastline to jump. Pilot was notified about me and attempted to shake me off by doing a barrel roll, but to no avail. On the second attempt were were just over the shoreline and I jumped, instantly making me a hero in the eyes of my friends and those that observed.

Sometimes later I returned to the same store to do another purchase, this time clerk immediately pushed the button after running my debit card thru and realizing who I was. I didn't stick around and ran towards the window which was closed this time. I could see cop cars swarming in the streets below. Using a central staircase I ran down for as long as I could, while cops ran up via side stairs. On third floor or so there was a small booth with a skateboard right outside it and after contemplating for few seconds I grabbed it and head to the lobby. Using woman in front of me, I've blended in as if I was with her as we headed for the exit. I said bye to secretary in the lobby as the door opened and go out. Street was full of cops but they didn't expect me to be on a skateboard and I was able to escape yet again.

My friend who is transitioning staying in my apartment. My mother comes to visit and being very snoopy with my stuff. I tell her specifically to stay away from one corner and piece of paper, yet keep catching her attempting to get to it. Only method to keep her away is to beat her with a stick. At one point she gets to a paper and I've had enough, I start pouncing on her and demand that she leaves. Paper is about my friend, and now that it is obvious, he/she brings entire arsenal of pills out in the open. I am shocked, so is my mother. Friend gives me some snacks which were mixed pills mashed together. Just by tasting one with my tongue made me violently ill gagging and throwing up everywhere. This was enough for me and I threw both of them out of the apartment.