Dream of Joe Biden Actor

in #dreamdiary2 months ago

I had second thoughts about blogging about this but my third thought was okay I'll do it. Last night I had a dream and in this dream it was only a small part that I can remember of course where there was this man and this other person but the other person that had been dressed up in a large latex costume and to make the person look like Joe Biden. Yeah.

Nothing of the person in the costume could be seen but it was obviously a costume but it looked enough like the real Joe Biden to communicate that was supposed to be Joe Biden and so with the partner this this actor was acting root of not rude but lewd to him and but not really that much just oh touch here touch there not in a private part or anything but you know with it being Joe Biden you really think oh yeah she's touching and Joe Biden is touching the guy and I see and this was funny.

Actually it wasn't actually that was lewd because he was just touching his shoulder and his arm things like two platonic friends may do in public.

I had a good laugh at that I thought he was pretty hilarious. And then around back I found the actor who was in the latex costume and she had a short blonde hair really short spiked hair a couple of earrings and she was like 48 kg and about 1.6 m. She was also Barenaked. And she was using a sex toy to nail herself. So the one playing the Joe Biden was quite kinky herself and to herself.

This is when I woke up