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RE: The soul enters the body at birth, autism, and scary pregnancy dreams - explained

in #dreams7 years ago

"when the soul chooses to enter with its full consciousness into the physical body. This may be at the moment of the birth itself, before, or even after (see below). Usually, in the early stages of pregnancy, the full consciousness of the soul is not in the physical body yet"


"The soul chooses the conditions of its birth, the parents, the circumstances of its life, the moment of birth and other details and conditions."

Just as I 'received' it. Which is why it is so important to regularly record our dreams because it keeps us on track with where we are and makes transitioning as comfortable and wonderful as possible.

And good to see that you speak of 'the Soul chooses'. No matter how much our thoughts tell us of being a victim, our Soul have always been in the driving seat and creates exactly that which it wants to experience in each and every moment. Thus, a Soul chooses unhealthy conditions for its learning. As ALL is learning lessons for our Soul to raise its vibration.


All is well are not just empty words👍😊