Thoughts on Dreams

in #dreams7 years ago

A bit of back story before we begin.

I dream and I do it lucidly; not always though.

I have been taught Jungian Dream Analysis in an attempt to interpret my dreams to better understand my life and to allow my self to interpret that which my sub-conscious might be wanting me to know.

I also on occasion use the following natural herbs that can help provide clarity while dreaming.

  • Calea Zacatechichi (Dream Herb)
  • Artemisa Vulgaris (Mugwort)

Last Night/This Morning;

Which ever way you wish to look at it, I awoke myself from dreams at various stages to journal and record what I felt, saw, heard and experienced. I woke at 3am, 4am, 5am and 8am pulling myself out intentionally every time.

At 8am I came to a theory or a realization that when we are moving in our dreams and we are slowed down and being pulled back suggests we are coming up against some resistance.
My woken mind wants me to move over to that little musical instrument store that I had never seen before in this dream area and yet the dream itself does not want me to be there... There was far too much going on back on the main road that it wanted me to be aware of.
I fought and I fought and I exerted more and more energy. Moving backwards to where the dream wanted me to be I gradually began to feel myself returning my energy expenditure levels to what I perceived to be a normal rate.


We begin to slow down in our dreams when we are moving away from our area of learning.
Just like in what we call the 'real' world; we need to move with the flow... don't provide areas of resistance; do what needs to be done or miss out on the action.