Thanks our elder brother/ actually a father to us for this kind of insight about dream interpretation, here is my understanding of how we can interprete dreams in a biblical persepective @nomad-magus.
First and foremost, dont look at things far away from you,actually the Lord use thing which you normally think of or even people to communicate and at times situations bothering you and that is clear that you just have to understand what he requires of you to do.
Example. If you dream of people chasing you and in your mind its true that you under such threat, then the Lord will be warning you not either walk alone or to stay away from some ndividuals who may appear good outside while inside are filled with dead mens borns as Jesus said about hypocrites in Matthew 23:5-12Learn to hear from the Holly Spirit through the dreams so that you can know what is expected of from him, once we master to depend on him in such tthings, i can assure you it will be easy to learn these hidden things caaried in dreams. I still say this my fellow brethrens, do not depend on internet, some of those interepretations are not from God but the evil world and normally those kind of dreams present a certain kind of positivity instead of warnng someone incase is going astray. The Lord used these for normally for redemption so that his Children me and you can escape the deception from the enemy.
sourceTake note of the features you encounter in the realm of the dreams and alway find someone with the gift to help you interprete the dreams for you. Personally am growing into that gift and what seems to be very complex for me, i send it to my father in the Spirit or friends who are at higher spiritual ranking than me. In doing that you begin learning to put things to light which are in the dream for the benefit of the church.
In addition to what you said in the dream, how we interprete a cell phone according to the Spiritual way is the aquision of a more advanced means of communication to the Father or what we call a smart way of talking to the father.
According to the dreamers, i believe such a dream was so prophetic actually sseing a head of time of things which people in such a generation will intend to intriduce to simplify life and hence we perceive this from the physical environment surrounding us as well as the challenges and how to counter them.
Great post i have to say because of what you put out really fits our brains and helps us to grow in knowledge and understanding @nomad-magus
Thnx @nomad-magus