Dreams are cool! Thanks for sharing.
I’ve been dreaming a lot recently. Last night I dreamed that mother Mary came to me and gave me a giant flying saucer shaped chalky suppository with the words “ACME” embossed on it in angular jagged lettering made by some big pharmaceutical company. It was supposed to supplement me with the needed nutrition that I was missing from not getting breast milk. (I was a bottle feed baby)
I thought, “I’m supposed to put this where? I better moisten this up a bit.” So I put it in my mouth and it started to dissolve. I felt warm and cuddly with the flow of divine love. I don’t need any supplement for this I thought, it is always available.
Hopefully my dream isn’t too weird for anyone – I enjoyed it. ;)
Dreams do some of the craziest of stuff.
I always enjoyed them (Even nightmares) once I started realizing they had the best special effects. It was after I made that conscious decision that I stopped having them as much.
Nightmares don't seem to want to stick around when you get a kick out of them. ;)
I know how that is. I've found it true too that nightmares disappear when you find that out about them.