Regarding the dictionary of dreams I want to tell you something funny; in my country the old people have the habit of interpreting dreams as a dictionary, as an example: mom, dream about dead... son plays the 48th in the lottery* hehehehehe (joke of bad taste, but I hope to see you smile some day)...
And beyond that: how can anyone interpret our own personal and individual dreams? After all, our dreams, and especially symbolic dreams, are based on our personality structure, on the special interpretation each of us has of the experiences of the surrounding world. Each person perceives reality differently and, as a result, their dreams are different.
That being so, even if you have dreams about the same characters, they most likely have different meanings? Since I've been reading to you, I've paid special attention to my dreams, I'm still not sure I remember my dreams, but at least I've been trying and I'd love to decipher them someday, not with a dictionary, but with the experience you have, do you feel you've developed that skill or virtue through the years or studies? or did that gift come from your birth?
I hope my English is working, if not please blame the translator
Translated with
That translator works pretty well. But I think it doesn't have a sense of humor 😉
About remembering dreams you may check my article -
And about your question - mostly self experiencing. Waking up in the morning, pondering the meaning of the dreams and coming up with answers. I studied very little, from a book of two. This one was really good :
But again, mostly throughout the years, interpreting my own dreams and others'.