Dream Diary - Frightened and Disgusted

in #dreamslast year

I did manage to get some sleep last night, but I woke up scared to death and I had to go to my husband for comfort. This dream made me feel full of different emotions but not ones I would want to experience again.


Courtesy of After the Heartbreak

I was in my old bedroom from where I grew up and in my bedroom was my late friends casket and underneath that was a gas oven. The oven door opened on its own and I had to get up to shut it. Then I saw my late friend's casket and I felt so scared. I knew her body was in there and I don't know why but I was frightened of her being in my room. I had to visit the lavatory as I was busting for a number one. When I got to there, it was the most disgusting and sickening loo I had ever visited. The floor was covered in bood, guts, mould, insects and in the corner was a huge pile of poo that looked like it had been growing for months. Words cannot describe the stench in that room. I have no idea what death smells like and people always say on TV you will never forget the smell of death. Well, it can't be any worse than what I smelled. I sat on the loo and O proceeded to go. It was the slowest number one ever. I put my hands to cover my nose and mouth as I couldn't breathe. Then I heard someone coming. I started to me noise like tap the walls or get some loo roll. That didn't work. My brother walked in and I screamed at him to get out!!!

This was horrible. What the hell does it mean to have my friends casket in my bedroom on top of an oven of all things?? I told my husband all about what happened. Again, when I have dreams that scare me or I feel like I am in danger, my feet and ankles always get burning hot and I can feel the heat go up my legs. It made me think why I am frightened of dead beings. I know they can't hurt me. Even when I lost my beloved cat and I brought home his ashes, that first night I couldn't have him in the same room as me because I was really scared. I don't know what I'm scared of. I just don't like it and don't want to be surrounded by it. Death really does scare me and I know it is inevitable. Then it made me think about losing the closest people to me. My mum and mu husband. How will I cope without them?


Maybe it was losing your cat which brought up the thoughts about death? I've never heard of experiencing smells during a dream, is that common for you?

I hope you can figure this out, and overcome it 🙏

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