This dream was like a recurrence of one that keeps cropping up. I have dreamed many times over the years about being on such a high road, almost sky high and driving off the edge. This one, I was not the driver. My mother in law was.
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I was in the back of a vehicle that first of all felt like an open topped car. Then it felt like I was in an open topped bus. My mother in law was driving down some dual carriage way and I felt so scared. I thought I was going to fall out of the vehicle and I was hugging myself for dear life. I said I want to get off. Then my mother in law said she would take me home. It didn't feel like she was doing it out of the kindness of her heart. It felt more like I was being an inconvenience.
I hate these dreams. As I have got older, I have become very afraid of heights. I never used to be. Even getting into a pod on the London Eye or being by a high rise window in a hotel scared me. I can feel my heart racing and my feet become hot and the heat moves up my legs. My husband wants to take me to one of the highest skyscrapers in the world. As much as I would like to say I have done it, the thought of it petrifies me. Trouble is, by having these dreams about driving off a high road has affected me in real life. When I do drive, I cannot go over a bridge or the road that is local to me that is a bit of a corkscrew that takes uou onto a dual carriage way. It makes me feel sick and I avoid the road at all costs, even if that means I have to go the long way round.