The worst sleep paralysis I have ever had

in #dreamslast year

Hi Everyone,

My regular readers will know I suffer from sleep paralysis from time to time. It has been a very long time since I last suffered, but this episode happened to me last week when I was staying with family for a week's visit. I wouldn't want this to happen to anyone with what I suffered.


courtesy of

It was dark and I was in my bedroom that is opposite my mum and dad's bedroom. (They created a little box room with en suite for when I came to stay with them). I was half asleep and I heard the door handle go. Someone walked in and kissed me full on mu lips. It was really wet and their lips felt twice as big as mine. Then I felt hands start to wander. I knew where this was going... I couldn't move and I couldn't open my mouth to scream. All I could do was shout 'Stop!!!' inside my head. Then I woke up.

I felt so sick. When I woke up, I felt like my body had been violated. It haunts me to this day. I had never had an encounter like that when I suffer sleep paralysis. Normally I am in my bed and I can sense someone in the room with me, whether that be my husband or someone else. I can't breathe or move. I try to shake myself awake. Then eventually I wake up and I gasp for breath. I try to stay awake once I reach consciousness because I don't want to fall back to sleep again as I know I will suffer again. I do end up falling back to sleep against my will. It's such a horrible experience. I know I suffer when my body is over tired and I hadn't slept properly for weeks and then I'm up first thing working out and then I'm busy all day. I usually suffer once to twice a year, not 3 times in 2 days. I hope that's the last of it for a long while.