Stepping out ever so lightly, Little Voice entered the crowded room. Inside, there was a commotion and a clamouring of voices. Everyone, it seemed, wanted to be heard. But not Little Voice. She stood quietly by the wall watching.
In her place, she remained silent and unseen. The throng of people danced about throwing words into the air, while Little Voice stood statuesque and unobserved.
The violence of the moment attacked her thoughts and she found it hard to understand what she was seeing and hearing.
Confusion enveloped her like a thick fog and she felt herself drifting from the scene in front of her, although, she didn't move a muscle. The noise in the room grew louder and more menacing but the fog of confusion reverberated the din back into the rush of people bouncing it back and forth.
Somehow, Little Voice began to see this noise. It was no longer just auditory to her senses. It took shape and gathered up in speed. She felt heady with its power as it locked her in place.
How could Little Voice hope to be heard or seen?
She didn't.
Hope had been replaced by confusion and she wore it like a shroud. She waited patiently for the death toll of the monster as it ravaged itself while locked in this cage of a room.
She was there only as a witness. She would testify that she had been in the midst of this horror but had not understood it.
A tear dislodged from the well of confusion and ran in rivulets down the unseen features of Little Voice. She stood in place and let pity wash out of her. The room that had held so much noise was finally silenced by her grief.
She saw one man and he saw her. "Noah!" she called. "It is time," and together they left the room.
This is my ineligible entry to the Dreem - Word of the Week contest. This is the 1st round of season 2 and the word is invisible.here. If you are interested in taking part, you still have time as long as you aren't reading this after January 24th, 2023. You can read about the contest in @samsmith1971's post
The cover picture used an image from Pexels and was adapted in Canva. You can find the image here.
The line dividers were also created in Canva, as were The Little Voice & Dreem-WOTW banners.
Dreemport banner asset used with permission from @dreemport & @dreemsteem.
Hi @juliamulcahy, Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content. For more information visit our discord https://discord.gg/8CVx2Am
Great to see you writing and back again Julia!
Happy new Year and also great to see the #teamuk bot working, I gave up using it as it seemed to be having problems with all the node problems.
Happy New Year to you too, Ed. Hope you enjoyed your dreemie visit. 💛
I initially thought this was going to be referencing the film Little Voice, and was thrown a little.
what it does is build a picture of someone unsure of themself in a surrounding
I often right as the Little Voice, and like the film, it's a voice that holds immense power. I let the words unfold as they see fit.
Thanks for taking the time to read and leave a comment, Stuart. It's appreciated. 💛
I don't know if Little Voice left her confusion behind but i must have inhaled it 😂. This is short but really, captivating. I may be missing the message. Is she like a little girl or something??? I'm sorry. I'm just trying to understand.
No need to apologise, @deraaa 💛.
Little Voice is that little voice in each of us. The voice you might call your intuition. It can be easy to miss, but in this story, it is silent and invisible.
Little Voice is witnessing the destruction of the world and at the end, her tears are the beginning of a flood. Or, at least, that's the ideas that were swirling inside my mind as I let my little voice lead me through this piece of writing.
Thank you for taking the time to read and ask your question. I'm not sure if my answer will have helped your confusion (or mine). Lol!
Haha. It did. Thank you very much
I'm glad. 💛
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