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RE: The Thinker's Corner : Apologizing.

in #dreemerslast year

It's uninteresting when people guilt trip you into apologizing for things they should apologise for.

...and I have to speak the fact that some ladies do this and men too, but I have met it higher in ladies. They'd cry because and ask like damsel in distress when they are not. It is very despicable of them.

Your attitude towards your friend may have been viewed childish, but it did make her see your worth with her trial to be with you early enough. And that's how it should be. Never delay someone else witchy sending them a text to let them know why and also, it shouldn't happen at all time.

Hello dearest fashionable dreemer. It's another brighter day out here. TGIF! The weekend is almost here, which is a good thing for many. I hope you do have an amazing day because you are a star and deserve every minute of life goodness. I waltzed in from #dreemport, for I am an amazing #dreemer. An awesomely made #dreemerforlife.