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RE: The Thinker's Corner : Apologizing.

in #dreemerslast year

Many of us are defaulters when it comes to time surveillance. We are not time-cautious.
You put off your phone so your friend does not reach you sounds odd though but on the other hand, you have been able to make a great impact on her life.

I will always apologize when my actions cause someone to cry either positively or negatively.
I hate to see someone crying

I will never apologize for every word that comes out of my mouth when I discover you are trying to take my simplicity for stupidity.


Thanks for your comment Juliana, I probably forgot to mention that I had waited for her to arrive late maybe hundreds of times before, and we'd had serious conversations about her punctuality... and so the time I turned my phone off, I had reached a breaking point.

I definitely don't like to see people crying, it can be heart-breaking to see someone so upset.