It is soooooo easy. Don't delay. ;-) You can skip all the extra optional steps too. Just throw the honey, spring water, and bread (or special) yeast into any food grade plastic jug or glass bottle. If you don't have a air lock, just use a balloon with a pin hole popped in it. Let it sit for three months. Remove it from the jug, in one "rack" or just drink it straight from it.
It's worth it! If you have any questions I will try to answer them with pleasure :)
Awesome!! When I find some time to make the mead I will for sure ask you for help :)
It is soooooo easy. Don't delay. ;-) You can skip all the extra optional steps too. Just throw the honey, spring water, and bread (or special) yeast into any food grade plastic jug or glass bottle. If you don't have a air lock, just use a balloon with a pin hole popped in it. Let it sit for three months. Remove it from the jug, in one "rack" or just drink it straight from it.