I have almost 20 years old and all my friends, especially my family asked me for a hundred time why I don’t want to take my driver licence.
I'm not afraid because I don’t have trust in my abilities and just because I’m afraid of another drivers that drive drunken, are spiking on the phone, or they are not careful.

I’m afraid the most of drivers who take their drive license with bribes.
I want to take my drive license, even if I’m afraid, because is good to have it but I really have no time right now. I’m very busy with exams and in Bucharest is very difficult.

The roads would be a lot safer without all the crazy drivers but amazingly there are a lot less accidents than I would expect. That might be because good drivers often anticipate what's going to happen and avoid an accident. Don't know how many times I've done that, after a few years, you become so good at spotting problems, you feel much safer. There's always the fear of an unavoidable accident but you can stay at home and fall down the stairs, so there's probably no escaping some risk. One tip is to drive a sturdy car that will come out best if you're in an accident. A woman drove into my car once, her car was wrecked but I just had a scratch on my tow bar.