Be the chief and the pilot
Go on air and ocean undertakings with your second-age Parrot Hydrofoil MiniDrone. Experience two MiniDrones in one. Utilize the hydrofoil to skim through the water at rates of up to 6.2 mph. When you're prepared to take off, essentially evacuate the hydrofoil and you're ready.
- Water and air-prepared Hydrofoil MiniDrone with implanted VGA smaller than expected camera (480x640)
- Built with streamlined foils and hydrodynamic frame to move rapidly through the water
- Shock safe and sturdy plan makes it safe to do aerobatic flips and tricks
- Free Flight 3 application gives you extreme control from your cell phone or tablet
- Removable, Lithium-Polymer 550mAh battery keeps going up to 9 minutes and revives in 25 minutes (with 2.6A charger, excluded )

Speed along the water
Worked with streamlined foils and a hydrodynamic frame, your MiniDrone is ultra-steady as it moves with stunning expertise and speed over the water. Effectively control your flight utilizing the FreeFlight 3 application, which enables you to perform quick moves and turns in a hurry.

Wander aimlessly in flight
Enhance your tumbling with 360deg. forward and in reverse flips. Tilt from 90deg. to 180deg. with a solitary tap.
Remain adjusted as you go
Guiding in Aquatic mode is as straightforward as appending the removable nautical structure. An incorporated recieving wire likewise builds your scope of development as you journey along. In Flight mode, the 3-pivot whirligig and accelerometer cooperate to guarantee extreme solidness.
Take control of your flight
Guiding your MiniDrone is straightforward with FreeFlight 3. Download the free application to your cell phone or tablet and inspire moment access to in-flight traps and moves. Take elevated photographs amid your flight and view them later with loved ones.

Tips for beginning
Prior to departure, make sure to refresh your Hydrofoil's product and completely charge its battery. For twofold the flight and skim time and double the fun, get an additional battery with your buy.
What's in the box:
- Parrot Hydrofoil MiniDrone with Embedded VGA Mini Camera
- 550mAh Lithium-particle Battery
- Parrot 1 Year Limited Warranty

Haven't come across this one. Looks like good fun!