You got a curie! Congrats, @juliamulcahy :) A double curie for DITO? That's pretty cool!
Thank you for the mention in your post, that was very sweet. What I would like to know is how you got that red text in your formatting of this post?! I would be so grateful if you shared.
What a mysterious saga....I'm on pins and needles trying to figure out where this is going and what exactly is happening with Susan. Maybe the bathroom has a vortex in it or she's living dual lives within a parallel universe ;) This ambiguity is sparking so many possibilities to think about.
Wonderful writing, @juliamulcahy
Hehehe! Thank you, Wings. Glad it’s got you wondering. Is it okay that as the writer, I am wondering too? Lol.
As for the red text, I stoles it from those guys at BuddyUp who write up the DITO review. @Penderis shared a little secret that if you change the URL at the top of any post to begin as ‘steemd’ you can check out the code.
So feel free to take a look 👀
Tripple curie. you also got one :)