Drug Addiction: What are the Causes?

in #drug7 years ago

pills.jpgIndividuals can get caught up into using drugs for reasons depending on circumstances they are in. It can start from simple curiosity until eventually hooked, whether consciously or unconsciously. It can be that the person has been exposed to someone who is a drug addict, or he/she may be someone who needs constant medication, or someone who is not strong enough to cope up with life’s pressures, and any other possible reasons. Drug addiction can happen when the drug has been used constantly until the user becomes dependent on it. But whether they know it or not, some do not expect it to happen to them.


According to researches, curiosity is usually the beginning of drug addiction. Individuals begin to experiment on certain drugs base on what they have heard about it, the slight feel of after effect on prescription drug, or as simple as curiosity of why certain drug is prohibited. This situation is commonly applicable to teens. Though drug use may have started from recreational purpose at times it leads to actual addiction.

Prescription Drugs

Even if the drug is prescribed by the doctor or can be bought in the pharmacy it can lead to drug addiction. Prescription drugs can be misused for purposes other than medical. The most common misused prescription drugs are depressants, stimulants, and pain killers. Drug abusers take it more frequently and/or take more than what their doctor recommends. Although majority of the users do not get hooked on prescription drugs, some do and become dependent on these.

Pressures of Life

Some resorts into using drugs as a way to cope to life’s pressures, stress, and problems. Common reasons are problems concerning family, school, work, and relationships. They thought of drugs as an escape but actually their brains are just being controlled by the drug, giving them feeling “high”. They want contain themselves in a world and having a feeling that is only imaginary and temporary