Truth and thank you.
Yeah some people don't handle psychedelics well. I have seen a few freak out too but I never saw any lasting damage done. When I say psychedelics are safe I usually mean they won't harm a person but they still might mess with their head a little bit.
Thank you. If there two things I like to write about they are drugs and fiction so I do this type of thing and some movie and TV reviews. Oddly I see a strange kinship between drugs and fiction in the sense that both have the power to alter thought (for a while). The only difference is drugs alter thought from within and fiction is external or that's how I look at it, anyway.
For sure man! And I don't think it's odd at all that you'd see a connection between drugs and story tellers. Find me an author who doesn't partake in such substances of a transformation nature, and quite frankly I'd be surprised hah.