
No problem and thanks for reading.

As a side note whenever some metions jesuits I think of this YouTuber named Gail Chord Schuler (I think that is the right spelling) she has some mental condition and makes these videos about her delusions that are a weird blend of Star Trek, Christianity, and homo erotic forced sex but she always casts Jesuits as the villian which is why she comes to mind. There readings of her book that are worth looking up for a laugh. Oh yeah she also thinks Jesus, Putin, and actor Brent Spiner are in love with her and will eventually marry her.

That's not to say that everything of that nature is crazy but Gail is super crazy regurdless of how you look at that stuff.

I was raised in the catholic church and while i dont practice their rituals i dont believe catholics are bad or unsaved. Its Just that history doesnt lie and i have covered the Rothchilds to the Bush family to chemtrails. Everything always lead me to the vatican. It all depends if your a believer. But i did a post on the matter check it out. Thanks for chatting

No problem. The conspiracy stuff isn't really in my wheelhouse. I only happend to stumble across that lady's channel because she was featured on a podcast that I used to watch.

As far as that stuff goes I can't speak with any real authority one way or the other but what is without question is that the powerful will work to maintain their power by whatever means that are at their disposal. To my mind that does not necessarily mean an organized group working for that goal but it doesn't rule it out either.

I'll check out your stuff.