My Life After LSD

in #drug8 years ago

Yesterday i tried Acid (LSD) for the first time, I had dropped 1 110ug tab on my tongue with 4 of my closer friends who did the same (some of them did half a tab)

It kicked in about an hour later and it was some really scary shit. I was having crazy visuals that i was trapped in my friends basement and never gonna get out, also for a brief moment in time i thought i was trapped in a glass of Orange Juice
After a while (maybe 90 minutes) I calmed down and enjoyed the rest of my trip.
This is where shit gets weird.

The next day I couldn't stop thinking about the 90 minutes of weird visuals and scary thoughts I had. It was making me really sad too for some reason. I'm typically more upbeat of a person not really sad about much, but I just felt really down. That night when I went to sleep I started having some weird dreams. Now before trying LSD I never remember my dreams at all, but every single night I have been having dreams that just feel so real and I remember most of them so vividly. I often fall asleep in class (now attending a different school) and even in class im having really memorable dreams.

Earlier this school year, September 16th, I got expelled from the school that I was attending with all my friends. I often think about going back and how great it would be. But these dreams / nightmares I've been having have all felt extremely real, most of them being about going back to that same school with my friends. I wake up like 3 or 4 times and just think about them, which makes me pretty tired during the day.

Last night took it one step further. I don't remember exactly what the dream was about but I woke up from it, I dont even know what time it was and I kept hearing a weird noise coming from my window, I was trying to get up or atleast move my head to look out my window but for some reason I just couldn't move my body. It was like something was just holding me down (I think some people describe this as sleep paralysis, which I'm not sure if thats what I had but it seemed like it) I just remember for some reason when i couldn't move I was trying to force myself to mumble "Hello" Idek why I was doing that.

I was wondering if anyone else here has tried LSD and if they've experienced something similar. If theirs anything I can do to change this weird feelings / dreams / nightmares.Any help would be appreciated


I may or may not have done a shitload of lsd in my day. never had any effects like this but everyone's bodys are different and we all have a unique number of serotonin receptors and thats what lsd works on. But also if you are prone to anxiety or if you take anxiety medications your alot more likely to have a bad trip and experience side effects. I dont know if you take any meds like that or if your prone to anxiety but those both could be things to keep in mind. Also look up 5-htp it helps me dream better when im having a hard time with it. I doubt its the lsd causing you not to dream it could be a placebo effect you just think its from the lsd maybe because lots of other side effects you experienced where attributed to this. Anyways i wouldnt worry about it im sure you will soon see life as before again I always do after a few days.

That 90 minutes sounds like where you got in touch with some vibrations that was too high for you. Just tone down the thinking. LSD is your mind vs. you. And by you, I mean your higher self get to show off it's wisdom so every often and this is especially the time when you witness the wisdom of your own soul. Some people can sit back and enjoy the ride , where others scatter and run wild, play, have fun. Your 1st mistake was being in a basement under the ground. This chemical is for nature, outdoors, night skies, fire, non-evil friends. Your chakras are still cooling down from your last session, I personally think it will be off bygones in few days. Just chill

Ahh i misunderstood you the first time i read this. Yeah I have definently had some crazy dreams the night after taking acid. And as for the 90 minutes of visules that scared you. i took 4 hits of 160ug i got once and i thought i was dead for 3 hours. it really scared me and i was kinda down for a few days but soon after i felt better than ever before like i had conquered a fear i needed to.

Same here, trapped in a dorm room (forever).

Tried to escape, down the went on forever. Finally got out and went to arcade because guitar was half melted and couldn't resonate, then quarters half melted together and smeared together in my pocket so i couldnt get them out. Next time, do less, its more fun, but eventually we get curious as to what lies beyond. My friend took 7 hits and time just stopped for a minute. It makes us feel like we are in the timeless rhelm (dead) and thats why you felt sad afterwards. You didnt eat either when you were trippin did you? See, now be glad you are alive and can digest food, because when you're dead or dreaming, all that eating and shitting nonsense is over.