Using drugs as a reward and for special occasions.

in #drugs8 years ago

It's good to be moderate about, well, everything. The amount of nutrients from food that you intake, the amount of porn you watch, how long and how often you work out, etc. Another common thing that you should be moderate with is drug usage.


Yes, I know, people will often say that cannabis isn't that harmful to you and that's an excuse to do it everyday, but it can give you negative side effects. Depending on the person, marijuana has had negative effects on memory, motivation, and mental health when abused. The side effects aren't as bad as MDMA, cocaine, and other drugs, but they're still there.


You can do whatever you want, but harm reduction is a very important thing when it comes to drugs. Just because something is natural and just a plant, doesn't mean it can't harm you.

What I've been doing is spacing out my use of any and every drug I consume. I'd drink or smoke on the weekends and if there are other drugs I want to try, I replace alcohol with that drug, like kratom or phenibut. After a long week of work, why not just sit back, relax and feel good off a substance? It's used as a reward and it makes it even better.

For all the daily pot smokers, try to exercise and then smoke. You'd feel much better and it'll motivate you to have a healthy lifestyle while you smoke that good bud. Or smoke that good sativa strain weed and work out while you're on it. I've heard it can boost up the effects. ;)

Another thing I do is I space out my psychedelics. I used to always do it once every month, slipping in to twice a month, but I've changed it once every 2-3 months. This is the same as MDMA because it's safe to do it once every 6 weeks, but I prefer longer so it doesn't lose its magic, and plus my brain will be much safer from the possible neurotoxicity that people say MDMA has (I believe it, and even if it isn't real, I'm not going to take risks. Serotonin builds back up in a month anyway.)

Now let's say a holiday or a special occasion came up and you want to celebrate. Why not get riggidy riggidy burp rekt, son? That's for sure an okay thing to do. If you're in a festival, feel free to be under the influence for a couple of days off different things, but be sure to go back to moderation once it ends.

I've also created a log for my drug intake to keep track on how often and how much I do to see if I have any suspicious patterns of my use, so I can quickly react and refrain from the substances for a while. Here's a picture of it:


It looks basic but hey, it does the trick.

Different drugs like benzos, cocaine, meth, heroin, pills in general, and others can be very addictive, so that's why I'm making this post. Stay moderate to any type of drug you're taking so you don't run the risk of mentally and/or physically damaging yourself and falling to addiction.

And if you are addicted to any substance, don't feel bad. It's natural for living things to become addicted and I know you can seek help. Friends and family love you and if you have neither of those, I love you. If you want and need help, please seek it. Being high can be fun and all but sobriety is important too, and for all we know, we only live this life once. I know you have the ability to improve your sober life. You're the best.

Here's a Tripsit link for addiction:
They provide resources on finding treatment for it, too.

Thank you for taking the time to read this! Remember, moderation is key to everything. Have a great day, Steemit.


You are right , any type of drug have side effects....
Up voted you