While psychedelic drugs, natural as well , can indeed reveal to you other dimensions and worlds of great wonder, they will never ever Free you.
credit: pixabay
It is told about the late Carlos Castaneda, the American researcher, who has extensively described his occult adventures in the deserts of New-Mexico, guided by his mentor, Don Juan, that on his deathbed he confessed that the drugs he had used to alter his state of awareness were a misconduct. Castaneda has realized that although the hallucinating herbs he used to take have revealed to him unknown, and often frightening, inner dimensions, they also have kept him prisoned within a narrow band of reality.
You see, the reality is vast, beyond any knowledge of any human being. Some of us are familiar with the near earth realms, others have traveled a bit farther, but true freedom comes when one becomes sovereign. A sole master of his/her own domain.
And drugs, my friends, being a product of the physical reality, have a limited power, and therefore can only mess with the mind. They may change a little bit the color of your cage, meld somehow the bars, but at the end of the day, you would still remain locked inside your prison.
Drugs is great to those people who can control themselves and having a tough mind consider the famous in tech. like Steve Jobs and John McAfee. But I wouldn't suggest using drugs to those people who has weak mind and vulnerable to psychological problems.
If one takes drugs for fun, then I can think of other, better, safer, ways to make fun.
But, it's a free world.
Using these drugs will cause drastic changes in your sensory perception including visual and audible hallucinations. Empathogens – these .... Marijuana does not make the top 12 despite the fact that it is widely used and some psychologists consider it as a psychedelic drug
Thanks for this input.
Hell i cant afford them...
poverty sucks
You are naturally hi all the time... save your cash.
Lol ...nicely done...
i dont blame u for this!!!!
what i have naturally is the red eyes in the morning .. :p
You can never be rich ....😁
yes get me some tooo :)
I have never tasted drugs in a sense to relieve my mind of any burden. I tried marijuana once, but never had need to repeat it again. First, my belive doesn’t allow me and second I know this almost always ends in a tragic ways. I don’t even take any pain relievers or antibiotics, because I belive in body healing itself. Perhaps, that’s why last time I was sick was 5 years ago and my psychological problems past away without any long therm damage.
I have absolutely no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge. It has not been in the pursuit of pleasure that I have periled life and reputation and reason. It has been the desperate attempt to escape from torturing memories, from a sense of insupportable loneliness and a dread of some strange impending doom.
I know what you mean. I'm afraid though that it won't help for the long run. I think you discovered it already.
Eye opening post @nomad-magus. Drugs ruin the potential and lives deep inside while showing the false changes around us. Drugs strengthens the imprisonment and doesn't free us.
Thank you for sharing
Havent tried any yet ..and i guess wont try ever ....but i have figured out many things like people use it and feel like it makes them feel free ,breaking the chain that try to hold them with boring life ...
they first give it a try to feel the taste then become addicted to it & then feel the need more then anything....
It's a false freedom. Allowing them to feel a more spacious cage in the zoo. Nothing more than that.
Everyone knows that but the one indulged in this process never want to even put their thought process to the thing destroying them from the very inside...
caging them even more deeper ...
Learning from mistakes is a very wise thing. Truly the trouble is the most expensive teacher.
To my opinion it is very simple, anything which is not fresh air we shouldn't breath and something which is not food we shouldn't eat...With these rules cigarettes and drugs are out. I always say to my friend that I don't need a drug for being happy.
Also as you wrote drugs ca't liberate you from your "prison", thanks for sharing your thinkings.
From the word itself “drugs” it mght be a tool fo curing or a prevention of diseases but it was never a cure of a feeling that is being locked up inside you. They say drugs can lift you up when you are down, can make you happy and erase the bad memories when you are high, can’t think of any negativities when you are high. But how about if the effect of the drugs in your system is being tune down? It is not a freedom. True. It only makes you feel like you are free when you are high but after the effects? It will bring you disaster and you will only be in that same position before you take it.
Absolutely right, drugs will not lead you anywhere and instead it will gift you with addiction and which inturn leads you towards the darkness and as you said it will make you an limit being, so be natural and explore your life in an natural way instead of bad habits. Thanks for sharing this post with us. 🙂
I've never done any kind of drugs before so can't really comment about that. But there's a part of me that wants to know how it feels lol..
Though I don't think it'd be anything good but still curious about unknown things
Practise out of body experiences, they are much more fun.
I agree with you, drugs just mess with your mind, they don't make your sense wider they just lock your imagination and make your mind a prision.
drugs can arouse certain emotions or damper down others, they have the ability to affect your mood, at times thay can boost your memory power and help you understand things or learn things better... although drugs have some benefits but are having adverse effects as well...
Ah yes, and it is also one of those things many "sacred" people and ostensible gurus hide behind; fearful (or ashamed) to admit that their deeper truth is little more than "I just LIKE being baked senseless, 24/7."
And, as you suggest, chemical assistance often does more to cloud than to reveal...
Bright Blessings!
Because hallucinatory drugs disrupt the brain in processing chemicals, users always need more of the drug to just feel "normal". Users who become addicted to hallucinogenic drugs lose interest in other areas of life.
Very severe depression originated from the easing of this drug effect, causing the user to do anything to get her-even murder.
And if he can not get this medicine, his depression can be so powerful that it can encourage addicts to commit suicide.
It all begins with "I'm only gonna try it once"
But before you even know it you are addicted to them.
Whether you sniff it smoke it eat it or shove it up your ass the result is the same: addiction.
Personally I prefer a long-term clear mind with extradimensional Universal insights on a long-term basis over a short-term manipulated clear(?) mind with short-term extradimensional Universal insights. ;)
That was one long sentence to say no to drugs. 😉
drugs can only make momentary pleasures and hallucinating that he is not aware of it makes it to be wrong, thanks
A hallucinating drug is not a tool for achieving freedom in allowing tools to get you into serious trouble and can be fatal, and you may be sorry for yourself.
Drugs of any kind are a way to escape reality, hallucinogenics only show you a glimpse of the wonderful ability of our consciousness.
Often people stay in that state forever and stop communicating with the world thinking they are adolphin or the messiah.
Life without drugs lets you reach the ability to see the sane things and control them as well.
Thank you for the lesson
people in many cultures have used hallucinogens in an attempt to gain spiritual insights to help them deal with the uncertainties that are part of their daily lives. They try to communicate with their deities to gain understanding and control over unpredictable events like birth, death, and illness. People in these cultures induce hallucinations by eating plants such as peyote and several species of mushrooms that naturally produce hallucinogenic chemicals. Botanists and ethnologists who have studied this use of hallucinogens refer to psychoactive plants used in religious rituals as entheogens, from the Greek word meaning "divinely inspired."
great post....deserve upvote and resteem :)
Drugs are a long shot and betting with our mind.They are not a tool to achieve freedom but they also take the rest of ours. They keep us bound and make our vision about life shorter.
"Drugs don't really fix anything except for everything".
After so much of the time when the mouth can be pumped in the mouth, then he will be able to burge.
An addiction that's hard to turn it back on as before ..
When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.
Indeed, it may reveal some aspects but smashes the only tool you have to work with them, your ego.
Really i appreciate you. That's a nice content to see. Thanks for your share!
What is the fun the hallucinating i wonder. Why go into other dimensions and moreover why not to live what we got? Even maybe try to make it good...
Absolutely! These are the defilements from the work of Satan...key to all evils... lose self control..Mere deception...
I for one am not judgemental about drugs. They are simply not helping for mastery. Hence I avoid them.
In the short term, psychedelics affect our serotonin receptors, the brain's main mood-regulating neurotransmitters. Next, they affect our glutamate receptors, which appear to produce the so-called transformative experiences and psychological insight that people experience on the drugs.
"This is the most rewarding work I've ever done," Bogenschutz said. "To see these kinds of experiences ... it's just not as easy to get there with psychotherapy."