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in #drugs7 years ago

Is well-being and a sense of connection the main thing you feel on Salvia? When I smoke salvia leaves, it feels really bizarre, like reality is this cold, cartoonish place that is trying to roll in on itself and melt away. It's semi-pleasant afterward, a little like pot, but the immediate effects are more weird than nice for me. I usually get some insights from it, so that makes it worth it.

When I smoked salvia leaves three days in a row, I had a dream that was like, "What the hell? You are way overdoing it. Lay off!



It depends on what you want to get out of it. I've found that smoking the leaves helps me have insights into problems, usually afterward rather than while I'm on it. It's also helped me out of ruts and stuck places in my life. But if you're going for a high, pot would be much better. If you're going for a crazy, mind-bending experience, then smoking the extract (rather than the leaves) will definitely provide that, but many people get freaked out by the intensity of it. It's a lot like DMT, only the visions tend to be darker. But they can be healing as well.

What I like about Salvia is that it's short-lived, but unlike DMT, it's easy to control the dosage.
