CNN is Beyond PETTY!!! They Claim There is No National Emergency On Opioids...

in #drugs7 years ago

CNN (Counterfeit News Network) as we all know hates Donald Trump... No matter what he says or does they will find a way to spin it into something negative... Trump goes on live television and proclaims there is a National Emergency on opioids and CNN claims "There actually isn't a official national emergency on opioids"... Hey CNN Trump is the President of The United States and he just said there is a National Emergency... Do you think hes making that up?!?!

Here is what CNN said:

"(CNN)Despite President Trump's announcement that the opioid crisis is "a national emergency" two weeks ago, there has been no formal declaration from the administration.

At the time, Trump said, "we're going to spend a lot of time, a lot of effort and a lot of money on the opioid crisis. It is a serious problem the likes of which we have never had."
His statements came just days after a White House commission on opioids, headed by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, said in a draft report, "The first and most urgent recommendation of this Commission is direct and completely within your control. Declare a national emergency under either the Public Health Service Act or the Stafford Act."

Here is what Trump said in Video Below:

There are 100 deaths per day and statistics say over 500,000+ people will die over the next decade due to opioids especially if fentanyl and carfentanil continue to spread... If that is not a National Emergency than what is to CNN??? It just goes to show that CNN is no longer a "news network" and much more of a "propaganda machine"...

CNN in situations like this take your political biased and shove it up your ass... People are being massacred and lives are being destroyed because big pharma companies and becoming filthy rich by getting people physically and mentally addicted to their products but instead of backing the president in this matter you want to try to discredit him because of your petty ego/political views... YOU SHOULD ALL BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES... You are all adults acting like this is a highschool popularity contest and you expect people to take you seriously as journalists??? That is why Nick at Nyte gets better ratings than you...


If there is a drug task force operating in your state, city or county, participate in its hearings or meetings. Find out what they are advocating and whether or not they are taking a balanced approach. The focus now is typically on opioid overdose and the focus is often on treatment and making naloxone more available. You can influence the effort by informing the task force of the harms caused by prohibition and get goals and strategies related to reducing those harms added to the task force recommendations. Here is a link to the Milwaukee City-County Heroin, Opioid and Cocaine Task Force, which I am trying to influence.

Another way to fight the drug war is to counter the addiction as brain disease metaphor. The Brain Disease Model of Addiction (BDMA) theory is used as a justification for the search for a genetic cause for addiction. Please see my article at Characterizing a person’s choice to consume a substance as a disease, possibly one with a genetic origin, forms a building block or justification for continuing and expanding the war on drugs, albeit, from a more humane perspective. This approach typically advertises destigmatization of the substance abuser, but rarely if ever include decriminalization of their actions — an important contradiction that needs to be pointed out.