I agree. Though I find it interesting that so far on, and with me not staying in contact with many of the friends who I overindulged with, I have learned that many of them are on similar paths-- for lack of a better phrase. Perhaps the intent is not as important as we think, and the physical effects of these drugs are mind-expanding regardless of the purposefulness they are taken with. But I would definitely agree that one can get a lot more out of the experience when consciously making the effort to do so.
While I have done LSD, it was not nearly as many times and so I doubt I would be able to articulate it as eloquently as with pills. I also had very contradictory experiences. I suspect you already know that it is a far more powerful psychedelic and so your trips will be really intense and on occasion difficult to discern from reality. It sounds odd to say but I also felt as though I was thinking in shapes. As if that was a language, but I understood it. My body has also felt as if it were a hologram on LSD, as if I didn't actually exist. Yet conversely, another time I could feel every part of me, from the blood being pumped in my vessels to my organs and brain at work. I really did not that shit.
Have you considered doing DMT instead of LSD first? As it is a far shorter trip with relatively similar effects, and is often used non-recreationally for the purpose you speak of.
Well perhaps one should be conscious of the possible risks involved... but isn't the opposite kind of like the whole idea? Like explore your boundaries and thresholds, even if that might scare you?