Cannabis Relief Goes Way Beyond Escapism
and the dopamine response. Animals are subconsciously drawn to things which bring relief to their issues. Cannabinoids affect every single cell in the body and are responsible for regulating a massive number of physiological functions. When your cannabinoid levels are sufficient, a person with issues will experience significant relief. Even if the person is unaware of the source of the relief, subconsciously they will be drawn to the cannabis.
The more you use CBD rich cannabis, with the proper terpene profile for you, the less you care about the euphoria you can find with some strains. That's an escapist routine and it just becomes unnecessary. Life is good, enjoy it. :D
Our Society is Chock Full
of people who are unaware of the issues they're dealing with daily. It's amazing to see the relief in people's faces when they get both the cannabis & the information they need about why it's helping. ;)
Cannabis... It's a Good Thing(tm)