
!bookkeeping drugwars

Hi @isacoin!



  • 0.302 STEEM
  • 31.290 STEEM from daily
  • 11.581 STEEM from heist
  • 0.237 STEEM from referral


  • 38.690 STEEM


  • 4.720 STEEM

First transfer was before 47.88 days.
Your ROI per day is 2.34 % and you are earning approx. 0.91 STEEM per day.

ROI when taking only the last 5 days into account

Your ROI per day is 1.63 % and you are earning approx. 0.63 STEEM per day.

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Congratulations @isacoin ! Your fight received an upvote of 2% from the King Dealer as incentive for your activity and as a gratitude for your support to the game.

!cheetah ban
Memo spam.

and nice of to you use another account to protect your witness while you suppress the truththanks for banning @anyx

recently it came out that 95% of the crypto markets are manipulated makes sense now the true purpose of the @steemcleaners and my experience with them from day one