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RE: Check my latest fight ! steem-fan vs noganoo

in #drugwars-fight6 years ago

Hello. I have a question.

I want to be the creator and the main one on the forum, but I want to give a friend access to one section, so that he can control them completely, how can this be done?

He leads a Russian-speaking community on steemmonsters.

If there is no such function now, is it planned in the future?


Hi @steem-fan, we are having a bit of difficulty fulfilling your request timeously. Our CTO is the only one who can add these categories to the database and he didn't get a chance to do it before he went on leave, he will only be back just after easter. We do have another developer working on adding functionality to allow you to create your own subcategories and edit them, this feature could be ready before then.

This is not the sort of customer service we like to give, so we will refund your initial 10 STEEM to compensate for the bad service and the long wait until after Easter. I will send you the refund now and we will sort your categories as soon after easter as possible.

I really liked your support service. It didn’t matter that not everything was quickly set up, I was ready for the possibility that difficulties might arise, since the platform is still in development.

I really want to get experience using your forum, I hope for further cooperation. I look forward to the news).

The developers of SteemMosters decided to rebrand SplinterLands, I am already working with a friend to create the Russian-speaking community of this game and really want to use your forum in my work.

Thanks for your understanding, yes I heard about the rebrand of Steem Monsters, they have a forum on order with us too for the english community, not sure if they will need to rebrand that now.

Ok good news, we have updated your categories on your forum and you should be able to edit them in your settings. Please let me know if all is ok. Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Hello. Very nice not to forget about me).

You have created categories and subcategories, but I can only edit subcategories. The categories you created do not appear on my list as if they were not.

I still can not create categories and subcategories? Is it still in development?

We have pushed some fixes, please try again. If you still have issues can you contact me on Discord in DM - thecryptodrive#8144 I can then put you onto the developers directly, and you can share some screenshots of the issue.

It isn't easy to understand from just text.

Thank you, the items for editing in the admin are already working.
Снимок экрана 2019-05-15 в 04.10.39.png

ah nice, if you have trouble let me know!

I created a subcategory, but it turns out that I can’t take it into the category I need. I want to do it yourself, and not ask you about it.

Hi, sorry I think there is a bug, we are deploying some fixes soon.