
You think down voting posts is a good idea, especially posts that took hard work to create, do you have any idea how much time I spent on my post, just to get it down voted and not accessible. You took down a 16 years old kid's post and for what, you got no gain from it. You don't respect any moral values, you don't respect people working hard to achieve, you just want to drag people down when they start rising, just for your own gain, you should feel ashamed.

So many good platforms are there waiting for you.. cheersHey man.. where are you ? I think you need to get into

I'm not into gaming, but I have not forgotten that you gave me an upvote and got flagged for doing so, which is why I kept an eye open...but it seems you stopped posting.

I hope you did not give up on this platform because of the flagging, but wherever you are, I'm certain you'll be welcomed by many.

What would you recommend where to start that game

Thank you very much for the support of your vote in one of my publications hehehe greetings

hey @nextgencrypto, why I should get downvote from you guys? What is your standard of downvoting? I cannot understand your fucking crazy action. Do you want to make a war between community?