Upgrading buildings, auto-heisting, and heading towards passive income while battles remain deactivated......

notified their players that battles had been disabled, citing 'abuse' and 'unfairness to players' as the main reasons for doing so. Whilst these reasons are likely part of the decision, the fact that this part of the game was clearly unfinished and buggy as hell has to be included there too. Troops were often going missing in a 'blackhole' during (or returning) from a battle with the recovered goods, and I wondered at times if this was a feature. Why would you go back to base with a bag full of goodies when you could sell the lot and live free from danger on a desert island for the rest of your years?It's now been about 8 days since @drugwars

So with battles, and the risk of getting your stash jacked, the past week has been a good time to focus on 'home' by upgrading those buildings. Annoyingly, for the first couple of days I was worried about battles being reactivated during my sleep time and waking up to find another 130 overnight raids, and so I was producing units and heisting all of my drugs. Then I heard that there would be a 24/48 hour advance notification of battles coming back to life and decided to switch focus towards leveling up a few buildings.
In the beginning I spent STEEM on some of the lower producing buildings. If I had the chance to start again (spins up another alt.), I would focus on the more expensive buildings from the start- there is a much better bang for your buck there. Oh well, at least now I have a chance to level up in this department, and hopefully it will be without spending more STEEM. In approximately 11 hours, I'll have enough resources to upgrades my Pharmaceutical Lab to level 4, for 'free'. This upgrade will bump up the daily drug production of this facility by something like 24000 drugs - something like a 15% increase on my overall daily production. If you wish to do this without the required resources it will set you back around 52 STEEM, and as I've spent over 350 already, I'm keen to not buy much more at present until I see how the game is progressing.
With the help of @holger80's !bookkeeping function, that you can put in a comment anywhere on the chain, i can see that I'm currently 231 STEEM in the hole. So yeah, 'free' upgrades are sounding good right now.

By the way, you can also add the likes of magicdice, steemmonsters, and steemslotgames, etc to the command above and get a full listing (of how much you are currently in debt).
There are of course much bigger players than me and here are a few of those accounts, along with the daily amounts of STEEM being sent to the Drugwars dealer:

I can't imagine any of the accounts above being close to profit just yet, but they are likely to be earning double figures each day. For the biggest spenders, I think the re-introduction of battles will help with clawing back investment. There are likely to be some pretty sizable squads being amassed who could well trample all over the most of the smaller squads.
It depends what battles look like - will there be a cool-down period, will it still be possible for the top dog to smash the freemium account? And will it still be possible to blindly send your squad via script repeated down the full list of players until there is nothing left to kill or take?

Not really, if bots are allowed to dominate. At least you can visit the stash for help staying awake to 'heist' ๐
I've been watching the daily amounts of STEEM being sent into the game quite closely since the 'pre-release' was advertised. Honestly, the new STEEM coming in each day is surprising me, although I'm happy that this is case. Some have mentioned 'Ponzi', and new money is exactly what's required in that case.
Today, 22nd February, looks a bit low on sends thus far, although there are still 11 hours left (based on my data source) and the East is yet to wake up. I'm also hearing reports that there is some big money about to land (honest!), and so hopefully, we'll all still be in business for a little while longer at least!
For those that like numbers, @jacekw.dev is updating a comment on this post each day: https://steemit.com/drugwars/@jacekw.dev/drugwars-who-spent-the-most-who-received-the-most-who-earned-the-highest-profit-who-got-the-best-roi-what-was-steem-spent-on-for
Some impressive ROI going on in places, and it's mostly the smaller accounts showing up in that table. Can you say 'ALT Fest!'?
Cool. Approximately 10 hours now until I can upgrade. @hightouch, you can re-open the battlegrounds tomorrow :) I'll be waiting for you to drop by.

Have a good weekend all!
Oh, and if you aren't signed up yet or wondering where to start, 11.5 STEEM will get you a level 1 Cocina, Pharma, Training Facility, Operations Center, and a Bouncer. Income today (likely falling a little tomorrow) will be about 1.1 STEEM from production, and I estimate (not financial advice) this would give break-even in 12 days. Tempted?
Hi! I posted an article analysing the Drug Wars economy a few days ago, and I found it to be quite unsustainable. However, before I posted it I decided to interview @hightouch who gave some insight into his vision of the project. I paraphrased the interview with @hightouch in my article.
Despite having high hopes and respect for @hightouch, his team and what they're doing on the blockchain, I'm still not sure if the game can be sustainable in the future.
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @cryptoeater!
Nice :)
I've spoken to @hightouch too and got much the same feeling from him. He spoke about playing the original 20+ years ago, and the adreniline when the cops paid him a visit (in the game I assume). He wants a game, and for players to feel that, and so I hope the model/code can stand the test of time and the bots, and be enjoyable to players of all levels.
Thanks for the link!
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @faceb!
First transfer was before 11.22 days.
Your ROI per day is 7.73 % and you are earning approx. 3.27 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 1.7 days.
!bookkeeping magicdice
Hi @faceb!
!bookkeeping magicdice
Hi @faceb!
!bookkeeping magicdice
I am in the green figures since today ๐
Today I did upgrade my Pharm lab to level 3 free of steem. No I need to work on the Silos and maybe my army!
Here is the proove!
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @fullcoverbetting!
Yeah I really spent unwisely - good for everyone else though! :D
You earned about 5.8 STEEM in the latest payout, and I got about 8.4.
Considering you've spent about about 280 STEEM less than me, that is rather good!
I see you are in a cartel paying daily amounts too? More info on that please! :P
I was lucky not to have more liquid steem available. I do understand better and better now that more and more games are popping up, that 2 things are crucial.
Only then it is possible to make a profit!
But I do consider this as paying for protection.
I am indeed part of the @steemcartel. Each have to make a deposit and do a delegation. They profit made for the day is split, 70% to the members, 30% to the account to purchase upgrades. The minimum deposit is 5 steem at the moment. I did deposit 15 steem. So I do need to see drugwars running for more than 100 days to have this investment back. You can find more info at the @steemcartel blog or on discord: https://discord.gg/aWayAS
Yes, some liquid STEEM ready to throw into the next venture is always handy. Or you could choose not to have an liquid to save yourself from temptation :)
5 STEEM and a delegation, that sounds a little pricey but it could be good to have some protection. There are a bunch of cartels forming though, and so I'm wondering how useful protection will be. We shall see!
I wonder how much STEEM Bernie wants each day for protection money - I could be interested in that! :D
Hi @abh12345.. i played DW. It nice to get income from this, but i just started 2 day ago
Hey :)
How are you doing as far as investment and daily income? You can type !bookkeeping drugwars to find out :)
Hi @abh12345!
Very good Man :)

That my first income fro DW.
How about you?
Luckily I have some kind friends who used me as their referral:
you need to add 'drugwars' at the end of the bookkeeping command, or you can copy the whole list as shown in the reply from bookkeeping.
Wow you got โbig fishโ in the pool, more than 1 steem from referral
Please use one of the following keywords after !bookkeeping:
Thank you very much, i was wrong type ๐
Oooo, I am nearly there with getting the same free upgrade. Watching and waiting!!
And I'm guessing you have been more shrewd and spent half as much!
Lol, I might not have second time round, I spent a bit more in my initial alt tester! Alt city!! :0F
My alt is doing much better than my main as far as ROI %. There's only 1 bouncer watching the loot though so he better be on guard and ready to take a good kicking!
Or be ready to beef up when the 48 hour battle alert comes a sounding!!
The top player has spent 20x more than me - No steroids on earth are going to bring the beef if they show up!
I hope there is some kind of leveling thing in place. I remember some mobsters game i used to play/obsess with put you in bands of like levels. Otherwise we are all humped :0D
That's a hideous amount, I hope you get it back.., I'm close to breaking even.
Yeah, some unsound early investing to blame!
Good on you for being close to B/E, I've not even bothered to calculate how long it will take for me :'(
I just invested now although i dont know much but lets see
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @coolguy222!
Looks like your break-even will be in a couple of weeks. Good luck!
@abh12345, I really do hope we have that long before the entire system collapses (that's what ponzis do, you know, they collapse). I've taken a look at the stats @jacekw was posting... It really scared me to see those numbers. A lot of people ain't gonna be happy once the in-stream of new money dries up..
itis... just Simplymike :)
I think when the battles start again and the must win unlimited cash players get smashed, the buying of Units will start again as there has been no need to do that since battles went offline.
You never know, the game might become more playable too :D
lol, sorry, I was logged into the wrong account when I first commented.
I truly hope you're right. Fingers crossed.
If the top dog can smash all the small accounts the new money coming into the game will be 0, when that happens the whole pyramid scheme (not a ponzi, it's a pyramid scheme) will be ruined...
When a pyramid scheme is associated with a product it less likely to go down, for example, Herbalife is a typical pyramid scheme, where sellers try to get new recruits in order to get a commission, but since they are selling something they will earn money from it. Drugwars is just like that, if it is well balanced people will keep pumping the game with some STEEM and the pyramid will keep growing, the people that have more money will be at the top getting the majority of the returns and the people on the bottom of the pyramid will receive next to 0, but they will still receive
The difference between a ponzi and a pyramid scheme is vast:
What I think will happen to drugwars is that, once the hype dies down the whole pyramid will start to deflate and the rewards will diminish, of course that if the devs are able to balance the economy, make the game more competitive, etc it will increase the time for this deflation to happen...because people will keep pumping money over and over and over, because they enjoy the game, and not because they expect a return on it, the payout might need to be decreased once the hype dies out too... (sooner or later the payout will be almost 0, it's the normal cycle of a game's life, they are launched, full of hype, they reach the ATH of hype, and start to deflate more and more and more until almost no one plays and the servers are closed, or in this case, once the payouts are almost none)
Sorry for the long reply :P To end this
!bookkeeping drugwars
I hadn't read up on the difference, but from what i see there i'm siding with Ponzi.
I see a Pyramid as:
I pay you $300 every person you sign up, you promise the people below you you will pay them $200
and so on down the line, so there are groups of pyramids
And a ponzi as a promise for ROI /profit based on people coming on board, but the end of the line gets screwed
Either way, the economics look suspect, and the 21.9 days I've been given for ROI looks generous.
lol 75.4 :D
Those 75.4 are probably less now that I'm gaining 5x more then 0.01, still... I would rather power up my STEEM tbh... you should have bought only 60-100STEEM that is where the top of the normal distribution curve is (the invest/ROI curve), at least from what I've read on @edicted posts...
I was recently working for a pyramid scheme kind of business, it was a door to door electric company contract selling thing, I earned 20 bucks for each contract I made, my teacher earned a comission from that contract like 10 bucks from it, and her boss earned from all the teacher 10 bucks too, per month he was pulling 10k, it's tied to a product so, as long as there are people that need contracts the product keeps going and the pyramid is alive, the problem is:
I don't consider pyramid schemes that bad, and imo drugwars isn't a ponzy scheme because you are getting the money people pay for the game, in most MMORPG you have micropayments that earn the company millionss of bucks, and 100% of the profit goes to those companies, in drugwars only 20% goes to the company (devs) and 80% goes to the community, if they keep the products alive and with hype people will keep pumping money into it, and the game will go on and reward 80% of the profits to the community!
If they add advertisement that actually buys STEEM from the market to pump the reward pool, paid extra skins, paid increase in resource production, etc... the reward pool will keep growing, and 80% of the profits are split between the gamers.
Look at NEXO for example (trying to shill my bags overhere xD), they basically give out loans, and 30% of the profits the company makes are split between the hodlers, do you consider this a ponzi? They are giving out 30% of the profit they get, just like drugwars is... my only problem with drugwars is that it is too pay2win, and if they don't make divisions and allow the big payers to attack the small players no new gamers will want to get in, and the game won't make profit
A pyramid scheme associated with a product is hard to fail (herbalife, tupperware), they aren't even called pyramid schemes but pyramid selling
In the end this is a new concept(maybe they should be called pyramid gaming?), and it will be hard to adopt and to not feel insecure when investing... the whole economy side of it is hard to grasp because it's revolutionary! You are receiving a portion of the profit the game is making!
After writing this whole thing I realize I should maybe do a post about this...
Hi @teutonium!
First transfer was before 8.91 days.
Your ROI per day is 1.19 % and you are earning approx. 0.01 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 75.4 days.
Tomorrow, I will probably be break even, definitely if I join the heist.
I've only spent 10 SBD. Usually I will spend 10 to 30 dollars on any game I like a month depending on how much I enjoy it.
Honestly, I think they didn't expect the instant success for the game. Steem was dying for something like this. They slowed down to get help and make sure they have something sustainable and not a bomb.
Not bad at all.
I've not played any games that require more than the original purchase and perhaps and expansion pack, but wouldn't mind paying a small amount each month if I was enjoying it.
Steem was certainly dying for games, and still is I think. Taking some of the gameplay offline to sort out the early kinks was required imo, so I'm glad for the break (and time to level stuff up). Cheers!
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @acidyo!
wtf! lol!
I'm not sure how that referral is working, lol. I thought it was a one time thing? How is it doing that daily, I highly doubt my referrers are daily putting in that much Steem into Drugwars, or are they? Where are those rewards coming from? lol
PS. I only spent Steem on Drugwars on my alt account, will have to check how that one has been doing as I stopped counting a few days ago.
Yeah you are being paid 5% of their total production in STEEM. They still get their full amount, so someone with a referrer is taking 105%, with 5% going to the likes of you :)
Too many 0's not enough time :P
lol nah, I only put in like 120 Steem, I'm a poor orca.
Wow... youve got 11 from referral ๐
Impressive how people turn this into business in just such a short time... I guess that's both the strength and weakness of any system that offers "rewards" of some kind.
Everything here is business to some. The game at present isn't really much of a game and so people can be forgiven for focusing on ROI in my opinion - it's going to be a little while for me!
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @zapncrap!
First transfer was before 14.96 days.
Your ROI per day is 13.36 % and you are earning approx. 4.57 STEEM per day.
Profitssss! :P
@abh12345, Enjoy your passive income brother and hope that this game will bring more profits to you. Have a blessful time ahead.
Posted using Partiko Android
It's a long way from passive income just yet, but maybe one day :D Thank you!
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @abh12345!
First transfer was before 13.15 days.
Your ROI per day is 2.94 % and you are earning approx. 10.52 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 20.9 days.
Oh, hope that soon these numbers will be reached to plus position. Have a great time ahead.
I invested 100 steem and divided the builds up by the three vices . I should of went heavier into the drug production on the short term but now it is balancing out . My overall daily steem return is decreasing daily so hopefully I shall break even in the next couple of days and just start reinvesting the steem earned so I can get into a nice position in the top 100. As regards to the battles it is great that they are disabled but something tells me imo this was always gonna be the case to help the big boys get their money back for their initial reinvestment. Makes sense. You scratch our back and we will disable the battles to get your ROI. Seems plausible no? No one is complaining. I reckon itโs just going to be a disaster when battles start as the big accounts will just crush everyone. Itโs just going to be like one shit game of golf ! A game where you spend most of your time more miserable than you do happy and Steem monsters will be waiting at the gate to have us back with open arms. Iโm sorry I left you Stone Golem. Now letโs stuff those stupid life splinters with their fancy colours.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Sounds like a good plan unless you plan to rampage. It seems that the cost of buildings at each level decreases in value potential.
Potentially, but they were well and truly shocking. As stated in the post, I think this has benefited the smaller accounts - the big guys were rampaging on auto pilot.
So like all the games of golf i've ever played? :D
Are you not playing the monsters? Good time to collect as the prices could be low as folks cash out to buy drugs?
I am till playing monsters but drug wars has kinda taken its glory somewhat. The most surprising aspect of the bookkeeping bot is how much people have spent on monsters . They should be giving back more rewards imo . Once the in game tournaments start happening it should do well. Too much rig ma roll at the moment signing up to tournaments .
There was a fair amount of discussion on @jrvacation's 'burn' post yesterday that you might be interested in.
The cards have lots a lot of value and are in high supply. I am considering a regular burn :)
Yep I'm hopeful the tournaments will move things along, and Matt is pretty focused (cause he told me so) on 10x'ing the cards value. So they are a hold n burn for me, whilst i build my failing drug empire :)
Thanks for that link . Itโs very very interesting although Iโd hate to burn my vampire ๐งโโ๏ธ. Heโs underrated!
I have been tip-toeing in but still uncertain on how deep to go as my Steem Monsters experience has me afraid of another rabbit hole!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Try the last paragraph. I have an alt running the same formula set to profit in a few days.
I hope you will get your steem back in the next 2 months.
Thanks :D Are you playing?
Yes, but invested only 80 steem :D
People always rush in due to fomo. Sadly when it comes to blockchain games there two things that seem to always happen. People are going bot/script the heck out of it and everyone things they are going be the next crypto millionaire.
I use to play a lot of p2w games and the whales in those games had no issues dropping a few grand a week for the โenjoymentโ of crushing others and being โthe best.โ There was no financial ROI for them. Maybe a few of those will find their way to our blockchain.
My enjoyment in those games where playing very cheap and still doing great for myself. A lot of those p2w games had one thing in common diminishing returns on spending. The more that person spent the less effective there spending became.
I look forward to playing a few of these blockchain games even when they stop being โpopularโ as everyone rushes into the next โbig thing.โ
!bookkeeping steemmonsters drugwars
Hi @enjar!
Yep, and yep. I think a few of those 'crushing' types have already entered the fray. That's a good thing though for the small investors who've kept a tight ship :)
I don't like your numbers so imma leave you with :P
!bookkeeping steemslotgames
Hehe I'm down 2 Steem in that one. I thought I would see what all fuss is about since I been staying away from all the casino games. Could have gotten out with a .11 profit but naaa lol.
I really like bookkeeping. Sadly a thing I been noticing is people pushing referral links but never played the game/casino themselves.
My strategy has always been too spent a little bit. Learn enough about the game to see if it something I want to promote and create amazing content around it. Use part of the liquid rewards from content to make more purchases if I go that route.
Easy way to possible cover my gaming hobby at least for those games that I create content around. Now if only there be about 500 more games that where not casinos on the blockchain. I'd be set on content for a while!
A solid strategy, and in time I think you will have no issue with regards to content in the future :)
Hi @abh12345!
No related SBD transfer were found.
No related SBD transfer were found.
Thanks for the numbers ;-)
I'm in green too now :-)
Ciao ciao I'm gonna check @jacekw.dev's post ;-)
!bookkeeping drugwars
Lovely! Profits for Mr plastic fantastic :D ciaoo!
Hi @steemitri!
I was sure I have a positive balance since Day6.
Let's check:)
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @erikaflynn!
Everyone is winning except for me! Well done :P
You live and learn. I did spend ~75 steem in about 10 minutes buying random upgrades :-)
!bookkeeping drugwars
Heh, sounds like me on day one, with another 300 STEEM on top :D
Hi @beat-the-bookies!
Dear @abh12345, drugwars Is a really nice project and involve people very much, thank you for sharing this bookkeeping function, but do you know where to see overall positions of users in drugwars? I can see only First 100 in their app...โน๏ธ
Posted using Partiko Android
!bookkeeping drugwars
Posted using Partiko Android
Hi @intellihandling!
No problem, thanks for commenting :)
I think the full list - or at least the part of the table you are present in will be view able in the app at some point. I remember reading as much in one of the @drugwars posts. Hopefully that will be doming soon :)
Oh that bookkeeping function is neat โ now I don't have to keep updating my sheets! Reached a positive ROI, too, the other day โ it's all gains now :D
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @celestal!
Oh, might as well check magic dice since I don't know the exact numbers, except that it's going to take a while to get positive ROI.
!bookkeeping magicdice
Hi @celestal!
Thanks for comforting me, Asher, I really thought I was the only one being far from getting my investment back.
I kept my investment small, because I indeed believe it is a ponzi, and I've had my fair share of those in the past.
The first days, I was completely in the dark and didn't know what I was doing, which may explain why I'm still in debt.
Overall, I'm not really that intrigued by the game, which is of course just a fancy way to say I find it a bit boring. I guess I'm too spoiled by all the action and excitement of Steemmonsters :0)
I think you are doing OK though and will surely make it into positive territory.
There is not that much to the game thus far, but people would be forgiven for saying that of SM. I'm just pleased there are both here, leading the way for many more to arrive - hopefully bringing outside investment with them :)
I hope you're right on the Drugwars thing. For all I can see rewards are getting smaller every day. I'm glad I could restrain myself and didn't invest too much ๐
I agree on the fact that it's a good thing that they are all here.
I don't have the guts to ask for the bookkeeping stats for SM, though, lol
I made a good couple of bucks with my accounts on steemslotgames. A little bird told me you have been pretty lucky there ๐
The rewards will get smaller unless they change the payout %. They are holding back a fair amount, we will see if that goes to the players.
Yes I was super lucky! Spent it on drugs and monsters 3x over though!
Now that's a sentence you'd probably never thought you'd say on Steemit, isn't it? LMAO
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @suggeelson!
!bookkeeping steemmonsters
Hi @suggeelson!
!bookkeeping magicdice
Hi @suggeelson!
Nice stats! Looks like you'll be in profit very soon and free-rolling all the way to the STEEM bank :D
Thank you, is easy to get your money back if you invest a little.
!bookkeeping steemmonsters
Hi @acidyo!
Whaaa! How you get so much SBD!?
Sold most of my deck except two alpha gold legendaries when prices dropped, guess the buyers used SBD for it which I then traded into Steem. The Steem spent was when prices were high so hoping Steem goes up now. :P
Ahh right. The card prices are rock-bottom right now. I need some fiat already dammit!
Wondering if i should max a shitty card, and then buy up a bunch of them from the market and set them on fire :D
Can u buy physical copies of them now?
lol naa. At least I don't think so? But you can gift them to @null :D
I think I have only invested 24 steem and getting 4 steem return. so I am very close to the break even point.
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @wolfhart!
Yes you are, nicely done :) It's going to be weeks and weeks for me!
once you get there the profit will be well worth it. I am building slow and steady.
350 steem is my rent and wifi for one month!
Yep and includes my food too.
lol - this is the power of gaming and the thing is not even turned on yet.
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @abh12345!
First transfer was before 11.98 days.
Your ROI per day is 2.95 % and you are earning approx. 10.56 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 21.9 days.
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @abh12345!
First transfer was before 15.06 days.
Your ROI per day is 2.70 % and you are earning approx. 9.66 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 22.0 days.
Hi @abh12345!
Your UA account score is currently 6.867 which ranks you at #101 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has not changed in the last three days.Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
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Dios nos ha bendecido con la oportunidad de ayudar al pueblo venezolano. Hacemos entregas de comida a niรฑos hospitalizados y casas de abrigo. Tambiรฉn apoyamos las publicaciones de los venezolanos con nuestro voto en steemit.Saludos apreciada @abh12345. Tengo el agrado de dirigirme a ti en nombre de mis comunidades amigas @VOTOVZLA Y @STEEMCHURCH. ยฟLas conoces?
Actualmente estamos optando por una delegaciรณn de 20k SP patrocinada por @theycallmedan. Esta delegaciรณn nos permitirรญa ayudar a mas gente y de mejor manera.
Quizรก puedas participar y VOTAR por @STEEMCHURCH. Acรก te dejo el enlace: https://dpoll.xyz/detail/@theycallmedan/which-steem-project-should-i-delegate-20k-steempower-to-for-1-year/
Que tengas un bendecido dรญa.
Tuyo, Juan.
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @demolitionpickle!
First transfer was before 3.31 days.
Your ROI per day is 5.55 % and you are earning approx. 1.18 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 14.7 days.
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @abh12345!
First transfer was before 12.38 days.
Your ROI per day is 2.99 % and you are earning approx. 10.69 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 21.1 days.
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:Congratulations @abh12345!
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