damn right, i just won 256 STEEM :P
We both get 16 Steem if you play 100 spins at 0.1 STEEM. So a minimum of 6 STEEM profit for you, and 16 for me :D
Just did that from a fullcoverbetting referral, and yeah, lucky me! :D
Gratz, I think I'll stick to games with non-anon devs though. :p
that referral sounds anything but sustainable XD
Fair :)
Yeah I was thinking no way but we've both had our STEEM. Think i'm going to quit while i'm ahead, and buy some drug production facilities :D
Seemed like an okay start into a dapp, not bad. I'd still be careful unless I can trust the people behind one, used your ref.
Yeah the game is pretty slick actually. Cheers man!