The fight looks like fair?
Attacker Loses: 6M weapons and 4M alcohol
Defender: Loses: 107M weapons and 99M alcohol
if i want to defend this attack buying some Futures or Steem i should pay arround $10k ...
The attacker with this army can hit infinity times, actually he could destroy all army players..
Fix it @drugwars... i know how.
good game @papabab
@beiker <3
Hòsties! T'ha atacat papabab.....que sempre està en el top 3 dels txungos! ....pensa, que igual que a tu i que a tothom, "a todo cerdo le llega su San Martín"....
Posted using Partiko Android
jaja si, ja m'han tornat l'exercit, el seu attack tenia un bug
Home que bé quina sort....
Posted using Partiko Android
Vaya tela, te han dejado seco
Posted using Partiko iOS
ya me han devuelto mi ejercito :)
te has follado a otro o te lo ha devuelto drugwars?
me lo ha devuelto contacte por discord, habia un bug, el papanotas debia haber perdido unos 15000 bouncers xD
Posted using Partiko iOS
Siempre hay un pescado más gordo ;)
@beiker I am also a player of @drugwars. Lately i haven't played it for some months. When i visited today, i found so many changes. Can you help me? And how can i reach you?