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RE: Encryption, upgrades, and VO.3 release

in #drugwars6 years ago (edited)

It's good that you guys are trying to keep the game fresh and also maintain the economy with these changes, but I just got a few comments regarding the changes, and also a major problem with the fighting going on at the moment:

  1. The old artwork for the background was way more appealing and also fit better with the color palette of the buttons etc.

  2. I have fought about 5 fights today, only getting resources from one of them. While I lost units doing these fights, I definitely lost more resources than winning any, by fighting. Which just doesn't make sense at all.

  3. Also, these updates and changes really benefit then players that have already had many resources to begin with and were able to recruit armies of thousands of units, without having to wait for them. Now it will be even harder for regular palyers to catch up, who don't want to spend 100 steem to begin with.