“Strategy without Tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without Strategy is the noise before defeat”. - Sun Tzu
No Shield on Drugwars.
We will remove the shield in 24 hours and level it up to the real Drug Wars, the essence of what we had in mind while developing the game. We know it comes as a thunder, but we believe you will understand this decision with time. The new players keep their shield for 3 days to have the time to understand the game.
Why removing the Shield?
First of all, we’ve seen people abusing this feature such as:
-having Bots attacking another player as soon as the Shield is down,
-having Bots listing the opponents, thus giving a way to have an idea on who is on Shield who isn’t, without having to hardly check their profile
Also, as we’ve said from the start up to now, we want Drugwars to be a strategic game, which means we want the players to use their brain to play and spend some time on Drugwars either daily or weekly, not just a simple game where you’ll need to farm a little to climb up the leaderboard.
We hope our players can think of a long term strategy instead of just a one or two days strategy, which is why time is the key to understand the game and to actually play it.
Remember strategy isn’t just about building one or two types of units, or one or two buildings, your strategy should be beyond that and should go as far as knowing your enemy.
Dig deep into the ones who are attacking you, dig deep into the ones you’d like to attack because: “Know your enemy and Know yourself and you can fight a hundred Battles without disaster” (Sun Tzu, The art of war)
For people who are worried about not having the Shield, we are working on a system to protect the offline players, the rookie Drug Lords and the one with no defence, but it needs adjustment to be fair to everybody.
No more rewards for inactive players.
All players who have been inactive for two weeks on drugwars will switch to the holiday mode. Nobody will be able to attack them and they wont be able to get rewards. (We may adjust or reduce the time before switching to holiday mode).
Edit : Inactive players are all players that havent made any actions ingame (like upgrade, training, deposit, etc...)
Drugwars own Shield.
This past few days, we’ve worked on reinforcing Drugwars own security to part ways with Bots Players.
Once again, we are against the use of Bots in Drugwars and we will always track the game abusers. We are still working on it and won’t stop doing it. Day by day, Drugwars is more and more secured, and we are glad to announce that we’ve implemented a new way to be even more secured. Flaws will still be there, but we are lowering the damage as much as we can and we are sure we will be able to secure Drugwars to the point of not having any abusers anymore.
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @tonimontana!
First transfer was before 34.91 days.
Your ROI per day is 19.97 % and you are earning approx. 2.61 STEEM per day.
ROI when taking only the last 5 days into account
Your ROI per day is 12.59 % and you are earning approx. 1.65 STEEM per day.
Magic Dice has rewarded your post with a 51% upvote. Thanks for playing Magic Dice.
Posted using Partiko Android
So let me get this straight, the one thing added to this shell of a game since taking tens of thousands of dollars from players, has made the game even less of a game.
MEANWHILE, you had no problems spending time and your limited resources figuring out how to spam the blockchain with bullshit posts about fights of 1 bouncer vs no one and Steemitboard badges.
Not only that, now we CANNOT see what the enemy army is unless we send 1 unit to attack them first... That looks like this.
Send 1 unit to attack someone, have to wait about 12 minutes for a rowdy. Now I now what army they have and I see they don't even have any available resources for me to steal! So I just am wasting tons of attacks sending out a Rowdy unit(because its the cheapest) in order to "scout the enemy".
This is a huge step backwards and a waste of MY TIME. I built up a decent sized army on a few diff accounts that I play manually on and now in order for me to be able to attack anyone its a huge pain and time consuming. It isn't even worth doing the battles now.
I rarely downvote anything on this blockchain ever, and I am going to downvote this post from @drugwars to show my dissatisfaction for this incredibly bad change(+ other bad changes that were made that ruined the economy).
I agree, not sure what they were smoking when they came up with the idea of hiding attacking opponents army and drugs? Who will have the time to waste scouting? It was hard to find someone to attack before, now its virtually impossible. I've not been concerned about problems with the game before but this needs to be fixed.
Yup, and you can only send out one attack at a time. So you have to wait until that 1 rowdy unit finishes his 12 minute attack before you can do anything else. This change is horrible and nobody is going to attack anymore. Too awkward and time consuming.
When I first found that I could no longer see my enemy's armies I thought it was a bug that got introduced somehow. When it persisted I came here. Very interesting to see this change...
I haven't been attacked since, so now I'm honestly considering not even building more storage for security reasons. I almost might as well just take my chances and let my resources build up until I can upgrade by myself. Which ironically sounds like exactly how they don't want the game to be played. And yet this change makes me want to sit back and only check in every few days to upgrade.
Here's your
. Don't spend it all in one place!To view or trade
go to steem-engine.com.You need to give incentive to attack people.
I wiped the #1 account's army and what did I get in return?
I suggest a system of protection money like the mob. If you dominate someone's account you begin to siphon off some of their production until the debt is paid. You are now farming the account you beat in combat, and it's up to you to defend that account from other attackers.
The account in question could refuse to pay you the protection money after the fact, but many will not choose this option because paying say a 20% protection fee would be more worth it than to continue fighting.
I vote for @edicted as an advisor on the DrugWars team
dope idea!
we need this, well said ^^
I can't imagine how people feel who spent a lot of STEEM on buying units. I'm honestly not doing any battles if I can't see at all what I am attacking.
Maybe they could show a range or something? Maybe that Parthenon building could turn out to give you info on the enemy somehow, and the higher rank it is the more accurate the range is.
Thank you for your suggestion.
The full list of ideas is there if you're interested.
You'll have to fix the payout structure soon as well.
Stop paying out to accounts that aren't actually playing.
good changes.. however:
please have a look again at the fighting algo..
the way it is atm it is no good!
If you want to keep it that way (grouping units) you need a waterfall where if a very powerful group (e.g. 500 units) just wiped out another group (very week group.. e.g. 1 unit) and has a lot of unused attack power in that strike left, the next unit group should be attacked immediately with the remaining attack power.. this goes on until there is no remaining attack power...
and what about the range units? should they not have the first shoot?
and there should also be a random /chance element in it.. and while it is good to give hints.. the algo should not be public... keep it secret but stable..
a public algo is just an invitation for the bots...
Hello @solarwarrior the fights mechanism was made public you have a simulator at your disposal and you have a guide that is quite complete written by Tim Cliff.
Simulator fight link: https://simulator.drugwars.io/ Battles guide: https://steemit.com/drugwars/@timcliff/drug-wars-on-steem-intermediate-game-guide-battles
yes.. and I checked it carefully.. that's why I wrote that it is no good...
Yes.. and I checked it
Carefully.. that's why I wrote
That it is no good...
- solarwarrior
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
What is 'inactive'? Not logged in, not heisted, not trained a unit?
That's better, but what is 'etc'?
A login to the site? What if the account is small and cant afford to upgrade, train, or buy stuff?
This needs to be clear.
The meaning is explained in the article... "Edit : Inactive players are all players that havent made any actions ingame (like upgrade, training, deposit, etc...)"
It's been edited in, cheers.
Thats actually a REALLY good question. 😂🤣😂🤣😂
Good question. This need to be made clear to all.
inactive is number 7 on the leaderboard...I suppose...
Yes, good point... need some sort of intelligence behind the scenes to account for bots trying to mime the active behaviour.
Maybe an algorithm to interpret what is or not considered human behaviour.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Good question indeed..
Yeah good question!
Hello @abh12345
Your account will be inactive after two weeks if you do not take any action, you can log in and observe otherwise any action taken will remove your inactivity.
Sounds like some great adjustments are being made. Down with the bots!
Posted using Partiko iOS
What is so great about the adjustments? Could you go into more depth?
Drugwars fight against bots is a great adjustment. Also removing the inactive accounts from being able to be attacked and collect rewards is great for everyone. I also like the removal of the shields as now everyone is eligible to be attacked at all time. It’s great to seem the Drugwars team making the necessary adjustments to keep this great game thriving.
Posted using Partiko iOS
You are promoting some kind of strategical thinking, while the game is made so simple. That is a bit confusing. The fighting mechanics are not something you can apply a REAL strategy on. It's more like, when you see someone has 100 of one type of unit, just bring as many different types as a 1-of and 1 strong unit and you are good. There are 3 different building to build (not literally but practically) and everything else is straightforward. I just don't see why you promote strategy without giving us ways to play differently from other players...
Hello @z3ll use our simulator fight to create your own battle strategy!
simulator guide: https://simulator.drugwars.io/
Currently I can not check enemy profile. How can I attack without knowing how many troops he/she has. How much resources in his hand.
Is there any fix for this issue.
That's close to the reason I just clicked on the drugwars tag myself. I just am not getting the option to click on people's profiles. I'm getting my normal mouse instead of the hand and I just can't click on it. I'd like some chance to the fights so there's some risk there and you might choose to fight against someone with a similar army etc because it won't always end in a draw if there's some chance involved but I'm hoping this is just a bug as attacking completely blind is going too far the other way and there's no strategy in working out who to fight as you can't see their army at all.
here too. impossible to play without see the people profile.
I agree with you...
They told us that we need to send a unit to see their units and resources. So sharing information may be useful because it take time to get the information of the target.
Sharing information about a target? xD Ppl can tell that they raided one but after that, he has no res and you still have no idea how strong his troops are because he can rebuild them after an attack.
I can see where they are coming from, but I'm not sure that's the best gameplay mechanics. Ofc not all games can have the same gameplay mechanics and variety between games is good, but I'm not too keen on this.
Ideally I really think it should have luck and strategy in play as games that use both do tend to be more fun and enjoyable than ones that use only strategy or only luck but this just flipped it from being 100% strategy (apart from people buying units while you are in the process of the ten minute countdown to attacking them - I think that happened to me - which is the one time you could get messed up before since you could always work out the outcome otherwise) to being close to 100% luck. The fact you can send one in and then get that information makes it slightly strategy, but if that person is on at the same time, they might notice they got attacked and recruit more anyway so that information might not serve you too well, plus people may burn lots of individual units just to find the right person to attack, so while there is some strategy at play here, I'd say it is mostly chance, which I'm not too sure is the best game mechanics either.
I really think having the profiles visible, but adding chance in the form of having a range for the attack and defence numbers with the amount dealt / defended being determined within that range (obviously a higher range for stronger units i.e. 1 - 5 attack for a low attack unit could translate to 11 - 14 for a stronger unit than that one etc) with maths or essentially automated dice rolls. This would stop close battles where people have very similar armies from being boring and always being a draw, but would give people enough information to use strategy and decide whether to gamble on the similar armies (based on what they can get out of it if they win and what they could potentially lose) or whether to just attack smaller people or whatever else.
Earlier the fights were too predictable which made it a bit dull and lead to just about everyone only raping the players with smaller armies and now it is a complete stab in the dark that could lead to many losses of units, which takes away the strategy part and makes battling seem more pointless (which is also made more problematic by the fact that money is directly connected to this game).
The battles are okay in both forms - this is their game, not mine - but I personally think they would be better if the way they worked encouraged strategy and also involved luck, and this approach does slightly, but there's not enough strategy involved with these current gameplay mechanics imo. I really think a range or something similar is what they need.
I agree with you almost on everything!!
meantime bots still attacking same people, nothing change
Yes I just got inside this game and my referring told me it was possible, why now not???
I agree with you...
CLOWNS are ready to pound our rivals!
Carnage! ^_^
Posted using Partiko Android
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @trincowski-pt!
First transfer was before 20.06 days.
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @svemirac!
First transfer was before 37.78 days.
Your ROI per day is 3.67 % and you are earning approx. 0.74 STEEM per day.
ROI when taking only the last 5 days into account
Your ROI per day is 6.96 % and you are earning approx. 1.41 STEEM per day.
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @trincowski!
First transfer was before 37.63 days.
Your ROI per day is 3.12 % and you are earning approx. 0.58 STEEM per day.
ROI when taking only the last 5 days into account
Your ROI per day is 2.52 % and you are earning approx. 0.47 STEEM per day.
i remember a gamme i used to play called coin brawl. the thing i liked about it was that when u were attacking other players, u had no shield. if u lost a battle ( someone attacked youu ) you had a shield for 5 minutes. which gave u timee to rreeinforce yyour character, before beginning your next attack phase.
just a thought.
pony out.
While it can be botted to auto-attack people after the shield goes up...if you are away and you get attacked, the shield means that you may have a chance to not lose all your resources. Without the shield, people will farm everyone to their safe levels. A short shield of a few hours isn't that bad.
Might I suggest the addition of a hospital to recover a certain percentage of your troops, possibly with some additional cost.
Right now, when you get attack, perhaps while sleeping, even if it's not really that financially beneficial for them, you lose all your troops. It can take quite a bit of time to recover your army. That leaves you vulnerable and means you can't really leave it safely.
I'd also suggest selling "boosts", including items that enable the shield for different lengths of time. Items that people want to buy to give them an advantage help add to the pool and make it more likely to be continually profitable for everyone.
Edit: An alternative for the shield would be to only activate like a 3 hour shield or something when the player hasn't been attacked within a certain time limit, like say 24 hours or something. That means that if they sign in soon enough after getting attacked, they can save some resources, but they go into a mode where they can be farmed after the initial attack.
I love this idea! A hospital would be amazing.
I've been mentioning to idea of a hospital are some form of recovery area. I know the game needs a realistic feeling but, to lose our entire army is just crazy. After all the units aren't free.
Posted using Partiko Android
There is a bug with SteemConnect.
I can no longer log in to more than one account.
The only way to can log into more than one account now is to clear my cached files and cookie data.
Is there a better place to report bugs?
I hope someone gets this message.
I'm happy to see how fast your project is evolving. It forces players to constantly adapt their strategy and makes them busy and hooked in thinking about the game.
Good luck development team!
Thank you for your hard work and coming clean on bots. Changes to stop bots are very welcomed.
They are the enemy of humans and should only be tolerated by dystopian regimes.
Posted using Partiko Android
Way to go, @drugwars team. I do hope that this game becomes viral and attracts a lot of real players to steemit
Posted using Partiko Android
I for one will be happy to see the shield gone. I don't think it actually exists anyway, as I've suffered numerous attacks while supposedly shielded.
Dealing with bots is utterly necessary, and I do hope you have a handle on that. I've seen bots abused by a player to whittle down the defenses of another with strategic and concerted effort that ultimately rendered their prey unable to withstand the next attack.
Thanks for your obviously stellar work ethic, and making it possible for us to have a lot of fun with our Steem.
Thank you for announcing the changes 24hrs before going into affect it shows you guys are listening to us.
I personally like the changes as a player that has not used any bots since day 1. You do not need a shield if you’re strategy is correct.
I do have one question is there any timetable for gangs to be added to the website directly?
Posted using Partiko iOS
but the game is the best ... am playing it more than 13hrs per day ..
Great your working on making the game better and better!
Posted using Partiko Android
Sounds good, keep it up, and out with the bots.
Posted using Partiko Android
Good job very well explained, keep it going!
Good job, i love this game !
I was just adapted to the mechanics =V
Well, happens, bots where a real problem. Nice way to prevent those abusers... On the other hand im expecting to see more sophysticated spying methods =P
Thanks for creating this!
DrugWars this is such a relief. Now I can actually find players to battle. Every time I wanted to battle players they either had a shield, or someone was already battling them. I knew it was bots.
Thank you DrugWars!
!bookkeeping DrugWars
Hi @thevillan!
First transfer was before 20.76 days.
Your ROI per day is 5.09 % and you are earning approx. 0.88 STEEM per day.
ROI when taking only the last 5 days into account
Your ROI per day is 6.87 % and you are earning approx. 1.18 STEEM per day.
Let the bloodbath begin!
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @cryptoewp!
First transfer was before 27.71 days.
Your ROI per day is 4.04 % and you are earning approx. 1.40 STEEM per day.
ROI when taking only the last 5 days into account
Your ROI per day is 5.83 % and you are earning approx. 2.02 STEEM per day.
Is there anyway to check other players assets/storage. Earlier I used /@player to check but that does not work anymore? And it does not work when looking at players in find targets?
Posted using Partiko iOS
The "blind" battling is an interesting change... I see where that can help defeat bots... but it also makes the whole thing a bit of a roulette for human players... drugs and gambling :P
Wait? Is the inability to click on people's profiles intentional and not a bug? I only saw about the shield going away in their post, not that.
I didn't like the mechanics because they were too predictable. The damage and defense should imo be a range and they do damage within that range / defend within that range using maths (essentially automated dice rolls) because then there is strategy but also luck involved which I think is better than one or the other and it also is less boring than fighting someone with the exact same army equalling a draw. Strategy alone to me got boring quick.
However luck alone is also inferior because it is the combination of strategy and luck that makes the best games normally. If this is a change this is interesting though I personally don't think it is the right change.
I think if there is a range (with higher ranges for ones iwth more defence / attack etc of course) within which chance determines how much damage and defence done, it will allow for the most gameplay choices. Sometimes people will attack people they know they can beat to get more resources. Other times people will see a similar army to theirs and the person has lots to steal and will decide to take that gamble. Previously if the stats work out the same, all that happens is all the people die due to a draw. With a range that's a possibility but there's also the possibility of gaining a lot or losing everything. That sort of gamble is good and it also isn't forced (people can still attack only smaller players and never make that gamble). I don't really think removing strategy via just stopping people seeing profiles at all is a good move.
From my experience in terms of fun and simply being a good game, games (board, video or rpg) tend to rank like this (best to worst):
Relies on a mix of strategy and luck
Relies on strategy only
Relies on luck only
There's exceptions to that ofc and there's also all the other aspects that make a game good or bad, but generally the ones that combine the two seem the best to me and hiding profiles just seems to be flipping it from strategy to luck rather than designing it in a way that uses both, and I really believe mechanics that use both would make for a better game.
I'm hoping this is a bug but I'm curious what you've seen that suggests it is a change in the game.
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @marcosdk!
First transfer was before 28.01 days.
Your ROI per day is 3.36 % and you are earning approx. 1.26 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 1.7 days.
ROI when taking only the last 5 days into account
Your ROI per day is 3.08 % and you are earning approx. 1.15 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 1.9 days.
Not being able to have sone sort if espionage ability to see how many troops / resources an enemy has takes away the whole "using your brain" and the ability to strategize as well. Now its more of picking at random and hoping for the best....
Posted using Partiko Android
dont see how this does much against leveling things for players vs bots
bots till have the advantage as they can auto spy from multiple accounts collect data and not have to wait
bots will not be able to send any datas to our servers soon the last thing that you will be able to do is to make a GUI bot ;)
do you think its that hard?
This is becoming interesting and I am pretty sure it will be harder to defend if people start planning ahead, but maybe you can have a feature to "pay for holiday mode" for those who are busy with something in the real world that can't have their phones with them all the time.
And with a limited time frame. Expenses based on production and resources.
The bigger your stackpile the more expensive your purchase for holiday more will be.
Hope you can consider on that feature. Haha
Posted using Partiko Android
This. People need to sleep and most need to work too. Careful surveillance of a players schedule can reveal this to botmasters that can take advantage of a player being unavailable to secure their base from attack while AFK.
This is a very real issue and particularly in view of no post-battle shield.
Still no news about the profiles bug?
If you try to click on the profiles it is not a bug we have disabled the possibility to observe the account of another player, however you can get the information of your enemy by sending him 1 rowdy units while waiting for the "spy" to arrive in the game!
Are you serious? It is like a random game! What a waste of time, time to stop playing this game.. Was nice.
Posted using Partiko Android
Hi, i am really disppointed how i loose 2 weeks being scare of attacking my productions and building up a serious defensive troop and now suddenly you decided to make invisible the status of users?
I invited some users to join and they spent some money to play and now they discover this fucking change, as usual in Steemit nothing is normal, how we can pretend that Steem coin will grown with such anarchy??? Is really true that you are sons of Steemit anarchy like my friend @intellihandling wrote in his last post.
I honestly believe putting all the inactive accounts in "vacation mode" will make it so there is less targets to attack, and therefore less resources to be stolen.
Finding a stocked inactive account is part of the fun in any game like this :p
I agree with that. The game will become a cemetery! No vacation mode.
How come we could no longer see the profile of the player? How can we strategies an attack if we cannot see the target armies?
I agree with you!!
comment c'est possible de se faire piller alors que les stocks sont inférieurs à la protection des boucliers?

I am starting to sense a shift in priorities here. That can really hurt your game in the long term.
In the previous post, you advocate the sense of bringing new people to the game and make it more interesting and safe for all people new and the ones already in the game using the shield. Now you take that away without a better idea in how to implement, just because you don't want to try using the reCAPTCHA method that is much less intrusive...
You keep removing features like seeing the status of players, shields, and others in a snap. I seriously advise you to have an in-game notification system to show that important news or changes. So everyone knows what is happening and don't think every single day there is a new 'bug'.
Other thing I can't even log in on the game even putting my credentials after the loading it goes again in to the "start" screen. Focus on the really important foundations like having the game stable, online and secure. After that and only then you can change the 'game rules'.
By the way and that is just my opinion, the ability to see the status of the player is what made the game for the first time a really strategic game. Even more, than collect resources and use them. So please have the comments of players and the people that like the game in consideration next time.
You're totally right - when I first stopped being able to see opponents' armies I thought it was a bug. Maybe they could put some things to a vote? Those comment sections would be great too...
Thanks @pirateofthedtube, many people are thinking this was a bug and like this many other changes are made and implemented right away, without any notification on the website or a pre-warning that somethings will change so that users can understand and get used too. I don't know if you can go to discord to vote on features and if those are better communicated on there, but I agree with you I think a voting poll or even a post giving some time to users express their thoughts and complains before implementing would give a much more sense of being part of this game experience.
Otherwise, you never know what will happen tomorrow and something you work and spend your time building could be affected by such quick and unannounced over the night changes.
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @amjadsharif!
First transfer was before 29.72 days.
Your ROI per day is 2.81 % and you are earning approx. 3.41 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 5.9 days.
ROI when taking only the last 5 days into account
Your ROI per day is 1.16 % and you are earning approx. 1.40 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 14.2 days.
I'm just a small fish trying to play but I have already spent steem and all my teams are already wiped. I can't use more now as I need to build my resources. At this rate I wont ever break even with what I did pay in. Maybe quite while I'm not to deep in
Posted using Partiko Android
I for one would like if there was some kind of shield option/vacation option that you could toggle. For instance one that you could trade for resources. I like this game a lot but sometimes it is nice to go on a vacation or even sleep for a while :)
!bookkeeping drugwars
Hi @jrawsthorne!
First transfer was before 14.68 days.