I just want to thank your team for taking on such an essential and difficult task. You are trying to build something that will satisfy 3 very diverse groups of individuals: strategic game players, short term investors and long term investors. If you can solve this puzzle, it will pave the way for others to follow in your footsteps. Your success and your creating a road map for future devs to follow will lead to success for all stakeholders in steem.
I would imagine that trying to balance the desires of those 3 groups is incredibly challenging. If you foucs on short term ROI, then long term ROI and game playplay may suffer. If you focus on long term ROI, then short term and game play may suffer.
I believe that the only answer that can possibly satisfy all 3 groups is to focus on the game play aspect. If the game is great and attracts many new players from outside of steem, it will generate quick ROI for those looking for it. In addition, I think it is the best hope for long term ROI. And I do not just mean from one's investment in this game. If the game takes off, it could possibly help increase the demand for steem. This could lead to an increase in price. If that happens, then everyone in the entire community benefits. And those who did invest in the game early will have had a hand in helping to make that a reality.
The people who are putting steem into the game right now are helping to make it more likely that this will have a huge payoff for everyone down the line. But this is a process. It can't be rushed. I understand you need to take your time, try some things, figure out if they work, and then tweak things to make them better. I know any rule changes now, are not set in stone. They may require more fine tuning in either direction before you have a finished product that will appeal to masses who have no crypto experience at all. This could be a fun way for them to get involved.
I desperately want this to succeed (as I know your team does as well). As a result, I will only behave in a way that will make that outcome more likely. Because I have zero technical skills, I will help the only way I can. I will continue to support this game and also be part of the essential group of play testers who can give constructive feedback to help you make the tweaks needed.
While I'm here, I'd like to send a shout out and a word of thanks to all of the bigger investors in the game. Their willingness to invest in a very early access game makes it more likely that the game will succeed in the long run. And this success will benefit us all. I know they may not see a very quick ROI, but they have done something to increase all of our chances that our stakes will increase in value. Thank you!
This are the ideas we need to really rock steem to something different.
Great job @drugwars
Even as a non gamer, this is fun as some steem comes back!