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RE: When Drugwars is High

in #drugwars6 years ago

lumayan bagus mbak, gamenya. Sudah saya coba, tapi ada satu hal kekurangannya, kelihatannya hanya bisa digunakan pada satu akun untuk satu komputer. Sebetulnya bagus sih untuk mencegah penyalahgunaan refferalnya.

It is a really good game. I have tried it, but there is one thing that we need attention. It seems this game only works for one account for one computer. This is good to prevent using abused referral link.


That's a pain if you have housemates and family or share service with people.

otherwise, I think the developer try to avoid using an abused referral link. I have tried to the test that and I can not enter the game using my own referral link with another account. So the prevention of abused using own referral link is work. I do not know how about login using without using a referral link with another account to play this game in one computer is work or not? I think I should try it.

Update : I tried login as usual with another account in the same computer and it did not work. So I think this game only works for one account - one computer.

The dev team tried to be the most secured as possible, to prevent abusers. If you see anything weird, don't hesitate to tell us :)

Yes I will do it

Posted using Partiko Android

Me and my girlfrend use the tablet for playing games, I really hope this is not a problem😮

It shouldn't be a problem at all. A mobile version is in the plan, but it isn't released yet.

I meant to say the same tablet, forgot to type a word.
But that is great news!!! I love this game haha already invested some steem, and are there going to be some oldskool maffia options, like rob a thug, or rob a liqor store something like that? Used to play the oldskool maffia games when I a Teen🤣stayed up late many nights doing that

Yeah. I tested it with a family member. Not a huge deal but it would be appreciated if there was a way to deal with this with out a full ban on shared IPs. VPNs are always a work around for abusers.

Ya.. But you can use your phone

Coba pakai VPN aja. Tp fara sih lbh suka 1 komputer 1 akun biar gak bingung

Posted using Partiko Android

Sebetulnya Saya lebih suka pakai 1 akun. Cuma ini penasaran mau test pakai akun lain. Apalagi kadang saya mau test apa game ini bisa digunakan multi akun via referral link, kalau ternyata bisa, Saya jadi mikir untuk invest takutnya banyak pemain yang curang.

Hehehe.. Iya.. Tp selama 3 hr saya main aman2 aja.. Malah saya udh nulis review nya nih.
Btw join jg ke discord nya disana seru loh ngobrol2 sama mereka.

Posted using Partiko Android

apakah sama, saat ini tidak dapat login?

Saya bisa login. Mungkin bagi pemain baru belum bisa
Karena tim masih memperbaiki beberapa hal agar drugwars bisa dimainkan kembali

Posted using Partiko Android