you can easily cancel your orders...
just click on your wallet to see all the orders you did...
they all will show up as single orders... in form of smartcontracts resp. sub-wallets...
you can easily cancel them by sending back the Bytes in the orders / subwallets (minus fees) to your "original" Byteballwalletadress
It's not very obvious how to access and manipulate sub-wallets and the smart contracts therein.
Yes, but finally you got it ?
Or still any problems cancelling your orders ?
It is just the fact, that we are not used to the gui and the logical structure of Obyte, but basically it is logical:
You create an order = you tell the bot to create a sub-wallet (resp. smart-contract) in which he stores your sent bytes until the conditions (price) you set are met...
If a by bot created wallet is empty it automatically is deleted, because nobody needs it anymore...
If you want to delete an order you just have to empty the lately created sub-wallet manually.
Once understood, Obyte is quiet easy...
It is just a little confusing to the ones using it the first time...
We have to keep in mind that it is a user to user interface (not like a coinexchange were you can post orders to a pool).
The bot just is here to make your offer visiable for other users...
He creates kind of a multisig sub-wallet (smart-contract) which is accessible to all Obyte-users but this smartcontract will only be operated, if the conditions are met (amount, price).
When the conditions are filled, the buyer signs the smart-contract as second user and so it can be operated...
Can you give more details? I don´t understand the last part. Thank you!
Check out my tutorial on how to cancel a order... :-)