Or they could have let us use the product with dummy resources without having to spend actual money in the development phase.
I do agree that the project is in beta version as per what it says on the front end. However, when you are accepting investors money, the change in rules shouldn't make the investment useless.
Also its quite sad to see ROI going down day by day. Breakeven period is nearly more than 200 days for me after investing nearly 3500+ steems. Can't complain as I should have thought before investing.
ROI going down every day is totally expected behavior as people level up their production. Soon returns from the heists will go down as the bigger players with highest production levels can train the best troops and raid most.
my break even period with these new rules.....never.....I can complain because they changed FUNDAMENTAL rules after taking my Steem. I am actually talking to someone now about what i can do legally about this situation, I have lots of resources available to me. They devalued my investment with rule changes and these changes effect the big investors the most because they have lots of troops built up and thats money wasted when you can only use 200. If i invested more i should be able to steal more with my troops....they have handcuffed us and made the player with barely any investment have an unfair advantage because they have not the liquid resources to build a large army to protect building assets. If I wanted to play only "a game" i would have drove to the pawn shop and bought an old playstation where the graphics from 1995 are even better than Drug Wars. This is a game but most of all an investment tool to slowly build some Steem. Right now it's a HEAPING PILE OF SHIT INVESTMENT for me and lots of others. Others like Steemmonsters let us invest and they protected my large investment with limited cards, an internal market and daily rewards that we could sell for ROI. Thats how you do business.
I am laughing so hard I can hardly type.
Playing DW in your mind is somehow comparable to investing in one of Bernie Madoff's scams.
YOU ARE A HEAPING PILE OF SHIT INVESTOR... and now stop the whining...
Let me know when you have enough Steem to wash your car.
Do let us know when Steem has some carwashing ability.
Please keep doubling down on the investment theory regarding this game. It's very entertaining.
Do consider the fact @nokodemion pointed out, as it is very applicable in this situation. Insofar as you do not, I can predict more of these tragic disappointments providing observers quality entertainment.
Slow down there for a second.
You have 2k troops of one specific type. Soon you will know against which troops they are most effective. At the same time you have super high production levels and can thus train more of the new troops which will soon be introduced.
With a little bit of study, yes this type of games actually requires that to know what troops to send against what troops, within some days you will be one of the players banking most and diluting the returns of the daily heists every day from your raiding.
Those 2k gunman aren’t lost. I wouldn’t recommend sending 200 in a battle (or 200 pop count), that may very well be kamikaze, but there will be combinations of opponents against which you can use them.
Over time... you’re going to have tens of thousands of troops and quite a lot will die when raiding. Those 2k aren’t lost. You just don’t know yet when and how to use them.
Surprisingly enough these games have a degree of strategy: don’t use archers against cavalry type of strategy.
While the daily returns will always dwindle, you big guys with the huge production levels can churn out most troops so if you are a good player.... you will raid most resources day after day. Depending on how many resources you raid... you top level players will totally dominate the daily heists.
I fully understand your point BUT.....for the production levels you get for the amount of Steem as payment the ROI still won’t be high enough at only 30% storage theft and 12 hour lockouts. This is a “decent” investment for players with under 100 Steem invested. Large investors should see drug production jump and get decent ROI at every level. 50% raid and 6-8 hour lockouts would be more fair....as well as token distribution “tiers” if they ever make some sort of SMT you can earn. I just don’t feel like my investment is protected enough.
That was always a sinking ship. The only returns, and that is entirely depending on continued development and new introductions to keep the whales spend on consolidating the value of their “empire” (classic MMO strategy from the CFO’s dept.) are the daily heists for you guys. The production share is an inflation pool you can’t frontrun.
I’ve written several posts about the ROI (from the minnow angle), the “quicksand” element of the production pool and even the potential “ponzi element” in the game. Yet, I also look at all sides and today I even edited my comment on this post to suggest 50% and 8hrs rather than 30% and 12hrs.
These changes were needed but indeed 25% and 12hrs is too much towards one side. Towards the minnow side and that’s wrong too.
I don’t know how far my voice carries with the DW team but let’s hope they read and do some math on 8hrs/50%. 🤘
Addendum: obviously, I decided against investing so I don’t know the higher level production levels but it seems every upgrade is linear. That’s wrong, especially since the instant upgrade price of every further level is higher. Production levels should increase in an exponential curve.
Finally a comment that actually makes some sense! I want to see this work just like everyone else but I wanna build something that is fair for minnows and whales and this set of rules is not fair. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
Another weakness is the need for a mechanism which prevents an empire to attack the same empire for xx hours (I suggest 72hrs).
Otherwise low investment ROI hunters (guilty as charged) can reset their protection shield from an alt by just sending 2 bouncers. The best low level ROI hunters have 0 troops.
At 8hrs protection and 72hrs cool down it would require 9 alts. That’s still just about manageable but it starts to become a chore already.
Nothing some smart dev couldn’t automate and operate over hundreds of accounts but it minimizes the incentive for most users due to the level of accounts required to make things work. Abuse on this type of mechanics (and chain) will always exist but it should be minimized as much as possible.
The protection reset loophole is too easy right now.
I am aware of no games that allow botting.
While the devs seem not to have undertaken to prevent that yet, I am sure they will - or the game will die. While botting may still be possible (most games continue to have the issue) It's probably not gonna be an easy mechanism to profit from.
I can think of plenty of ways to detect the kinds of bots you are discussing, and ending their disruption of people playing for fun will be essential to make this game worth playing.
It's game, and games are meant to provide entertainment value. Whales swatting players for ROI is definitely gonna decrease the entertainment value of the game for players intent on the purpose of the game.
If you start using alt accounts in the way you describe, expect the alts to be banned soon to prevent the burden of programming the mechanisms you refer to to permit them to be useful in the game.
I note you are continuing to misapprehend the situation. The devs are making a game, and that game will either stand or fall depending on players continuing to play and entering the game.
Either 'minnows' are going to join because they can prosper, or the game will die.
If the game becomes simply a vehicle which potentiates whales to spend lotsa money on units that can strip minnows of assets, who's gonna play?
The object of a game is entertainment. ROI is not the purpose of a game. ROI is the purpose of an investment vehicle. There is a difference - even if there are opportunities to generate returns.
Many RPGs have some kind of internal economy. Almost all of them have been used to generate financial returns via 'gold farming', and Chinese boiler room type operations are notorious for seeking to generate financial returns from such games.
This is harmful to the games because it's harmful to the player community. It creates inflation, amongst other problems, and most games do what they can to discourage it.
Games =/= stocks.
I do think that you have totally misread my reply as how I think about the game.
It is an analysis of the actual situation, we also are in world of money. On that basis many take different approaches, ROI being one of them.
Yet, given your black and white opening... i really couldn’t care less about the rest.
I’ve given a large part of my life to MMOs and that is what this is for me. That’s I can also look at and understand others who look at things differently seems beyond you. That i ran a mini ROI experiment does not define me, or maybe it does because i love experiments.
Aware of the inevitable economic changes coming, I also endeavored to ensure I attained an ROI greater than 100%. My understanding of your considerations of this game come from several comments that are all little more than financial analyses. Little mention of other aspects of games was evident, so if you do have a broader interest in the game, this is actually the first indication of it.
I say it a lot, but society is far more than an economy, and this is no less true of games. Folks that singlemindedly focus on economic factors may enjoy that, but I don't, and neither do most people. Steem being what it is, there's a significant concentration of people that think like that here, and our trending page reflects that.
My hope is that as more dapps are formed, and more communities based on various interests grow, mere financial bean counting will be ever less in evidence going forward. I've got far more important things to worry about, consider, and enjoy.
If I have misunderstood your interest, it is because all I had to go on was your comments, and they deal almost exclusively on economic factors.
The game isn't meant as making you profit though. Profit can only be obtained if you're small (sub-100 steem) or got in early (and even then it'll be hard).
I get your frustration, but this should've been clear to you from the start.
They made quite strange changes earlier on, including turning the 89% of all in-game purchases added to the pool into only 80% (Almost DOUBLING the amount of steem that's lost through each cycle).
I get your frustration, but for now I just recommend trying to make the best out of it :)
I think exactly like you, I would like ti know how 200 troops can attack an opponent who defends with 1000 troops of the same type ... they have created a system that benefits those who have invested less.
It’s called research. @Broncnutz’ gunmen will attack yours with a Tommy Gun 1928 while yours are defending with a .38 Smith & Wesson with 6 rounds.
"Or they could have let us use the product with dummy resources without having to spend actual money in the development phase."
Ummmm they did. You were given the first drug, weapon, and alcohol house for that very reason.
Nobody told you you had to spend your own money, much less ~$1,000, on a game. You made that decision all on your own, while failing to miss the obvious variable of how a growing gamer population would effect your % payout.
Meh! That’s why I mentioned “can’t complain” . I never told somebody made me invest with a gun pointed at my throat 😁 I liked the project so invested, if they impress more I ll invest more, “simple” .
I agree. Dummy resources would have worked just fine. Get a taste of how the game would look like before investing real money. I was so lucky to have broken even just a few days back. i only invested about 45+ steem (mostly on gunmen), and having watched all of my troops disappear without a fight along with my steem, i had to think twice about where i throw money into.
you didn't "have to" do any spending... You could have watched it develop.
Now it all makes sense. I couldn’t fathom how the “p” word that rhymes with fonzie kept being brought up. It turns out people who are extremely bad at evaluating what investments even are finally put down their communal bowl to scratch their heads.
Also, TBH this project I see as one of the potential project bringing life back to what was a nearly dead STEEM! I don't want this to fail just like anyone else here. Just want to make sure people who invested have freedom to express what they feel irrespective of rest of the things.
Please refer to my above sentence. I'm not complaining about my investment Sir! Merely expressing some emotions as a human.