Also, with some bugs encountered today, some players have greatly abused them while others haven’t at all.
Are those bugs fixed? What happened exactly? Will those players be rightfully punished for abusing the system?
It looks like that those players are receiving now rewards which they don't deserve based from the pool or heist.
I really don't like that.
About battles.
We need to deactivate the battles for the time being, as we’ve noticed some abused on it that we can’t allow as it is unfair to the other players.
Can we get a countdown/lead time before activating the battles? I don't want to login on some day, realising that I have been robbed because the feature was activated right after I have left my PC.
Yes, the bugs are fixed. I won't say much about the bugs, but those players got a warning and the rewards have been saved before they could touch it.
For the countdown could you add it in the suggestion channel? =)
Good thing! I like to hear that. But some explanation after the bugs are ironed out completely would be nice. Also: Changelogs/Patchnotes. Seeing the differences made are always useful.
Suggestion channel... hmpfh... let me guess. Discord? I hate that, but I will put it there.