Tracking some gnarly progressive drum stuff for The Walding Family. This song was a beast to learn due to some wacky fast kick drum / hi hat combinations.
I had to practice a lot of kick drum stuff with just one foot and one hand, doing basic rhythms slow and then faster and faster. Even when I can do what I'm doing in this video, it only lasts for 10-20 minutes before I start to slow down. There's muscle strength involved I guess.
All one can do is to keep practicing... and to eat lots of protein and healthy calories in general, which I am doing, so my body has all the nutrition it needs.
post some fire emojis in the comments if you like it :-) 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Dude this was great.
Super cool beats. Did u make those, or did you have to listen to programmed drums and recreate. Either way, I'm really impressed. Probably my favourite drumming from you so far!
Bet those hot rods didn't last much longer than 10-20 minutes either lol ;)
These lightning rods as pro mark calls them have lasted me 2+ weeks now actually, I am impressed! Theyve been the most durable hot rod style sticks I have used I think.
Thanks so much for the compliments! This one I wrote out in Guitar Pro as drum sheet music first and then I learned after. IDK if I would have been able to write it without doing it that way.
Usually those things break easily lol. Good to know that promark makes some nice ones.
Ya transcribing that drum part seems like a bitch....
🔥🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥
awesome job matt
i really like the 3 over 4 stuff in the middle.
linear and groovy , that's it!
Thank you! That part was originally going to have more drums, like more big cymbals going on, but it worked out perfectly with the simple hi hat + snare + kick drum to lay out that polyrhythm. :-)
nice beats🔥
Needs more cowbell:) lol...Great job my friend!
haha I wish I had one here! Thank you @steemit-life.
Very nice. Great playing.
At 0:27 min the fire starts at BURN !!!!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Amazziiiiinnnggg
Excellent skills! Really like the part that starts at about 1:09.
Thanks so much zevi!
You make this look like so much fun!
Also, that's a hell of a workout. Odd question - how do you keep cool doing that? Do you have an air conditioner running in the room? I didn't hear one, and imagine the sound of one would ruin the video. But if I tried to do something that vigorous in my office right now I'd be drowning in sweat.