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RE: Dry Eyes

in #dry8 years ago

Prepare for TMI...
Tears have 3 layers, water, mucus and lipids (fats.) It is usually a breakdown in the fatty layer that causes CHRONIC dry eyes. Making sure there is enough high quality fat in your diet helps long term. About all you can do for temporary relief is some saline type thing.
You may have some sort of allergy thing going on. Flip your lower lid down in front of a mirror and see if it looks bumpy. If it does, get an allergy drop.
It may be from the computer, which is due to low blink rate. People drop into a daze and stare at the screen... Blink more, get some saline and use it a few times a day.
Sorry, I worked in eyes for 20 years. Good luck!


Thanks for the info. It's very useful.