
Awesome! Thanks for the 1st entry... very much appreciated. Have a great day my friend.

The intro starts off perfectly. Has a lovely relaxed feel to it then slowly brings the track into energy with the beat kicking in. You manage to get a really great bass sound that I can never quite achieve myself. Really cool the way the track mellows out around the halfway mark with some nature sounds in there. It creates a great atmosphere. Then it kicks back into the energy again. Some nice synth sounds in there spread throughout, both deep and middle in pitch.
Sounds great on both headphones and my laptop speakers as well. Having listened to some of your tracks over the weeks I have to say, your production skills are excellent. Great job!

Right from the opening this track has a very Kubrick like feel to it - that is the more existentialist side to his work. I like the bird sounds, sets a positive mood right off the bat. The notes that kick in at around :30 are interesting in their off time quality, adds a little tension over the otherwise evenly rolling baseline. Nice build up from :50 to the slight kick at 1:03; the track is really moving now... Good variety of sounds and melodies, with the bass cutting short every four bars. I really enjoy the instrument that first comes in at 1:36, nice high tone with a cross between keyboards and electric guitar... As the track continues everything is nicely balanced and spaced out. Very hypnotic and psychedelic energy going on here.

Some new sounds after 3 min, reintro the birds before the narrative comes in. Nice variety of new sounds and beats filling in before the voice comes back. And a compelling narrative to end things on.

A very enjoyable and well produced track. The only thing that I might have wanted was some sort of a change up - a bolder move like a key or rhythm change. While I liked some of the variety of melodies, I noticed they seemed close to the same length - maybe introduce a longer form melody to the piece. Or perhaps bring the birds to the front for a few seconds...

Of course, given the type of direction I think you are going for, this may be more dissonance than your purpose requires. And the song is short enough to not get too repetitive anyways. I did say it reminded me of Kubrick :) It is, after all, a matter of balance.

All in all I think you've accomplished what you set out to do, a sonic exploration of the potential for human consciousness. And I have to ask again: who is the narrator for this one? Still trying to make time to fully catch up on Rupert Sheldrake...