This song has written in 2011 with my old band for a 10 year old orphan who kidnapped by a terrorist organisation and been forced to suicide bombing in a crowded town square. He knew that he will be brutally tortured before getting killed if he won't make it. Instead of going to town square he ran from the base through mountain while being chased by guerillas and killed himself with the bombs on his body. We've listened this incident from a friend who got it as a confession from a heavily wounded guerilla while he was working as a doctor in Iraq border. We felt angry and sad at the same time for all the innocent children around the world and we wanted to honour his braveness and sentimentality.
Sorry for the sound quailty as it is recorded in street on a windy day.
Lyrics are in Turkish but I've translated it roughly
Neither first nor last
Death is a stop on the way
Tin Soldier doesn't afraid of weapons
He's an orphan he doesn't know how to be afraid
The time comes and the day passes by
Tin soldied waves a hand
His eye is full of tears but he doesn't know to cry
He doesn't blink his eyes and afterwards its skies.
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Touching man. Beautiful melodies too.
Very soothing.
Cheers :)
Gosh what a tragic story :-( A beautiful tribute.
thanks mate