Authenticity BOT!
Great job! We found more similar posts, but your post is the 1st one posted.
can give you a downvote because of the copies!
GrumpyCat /
Defend yourself! /
Thankfully i dont use vote bots :) So I'm good right? This is all my material
Neglect it entirely!
And as I'm not able to delete or edit that comment now, please, by any means don't follow any of the links from it, and especially don't leave any of your Steemit keys trying to log-in to those phishing sites!!!I'm sorry, @avesa for the comment above! My account has been hacked and the hacker has been posting comments like that all over for several hours until I discovered it and took the control back.
Oh dang! These sneaky lil bastards. No worries! Well done :) Glad you're back.