Great post. I tend to overshare a lot online and start to think that maybe I should choose a more... anonymous moniker instead of always using my real name. I have a lot of things that I really want to write about that are either VERY personal or somewhat Taboo and it makes me wonder if I should share now, as "me" or adopt a new, more anonymous persona.
I like your thoughts on the matter and for me, sharing most of my pwn personal stuff doesn't bother me, but I dislike sharing things that involve other people (parenting/my kids/marriage/my husband) because although I DO share a lot of those kind of things already, there are a lot of topics that I don't touch on because I don't want to hurt those that I love or even just make them uncomfortable OR share things that involve them in ways that they wouldn't want me to.
Anyway, you've brought up a lot of thoughts on the subject for me... I may have to just write a post on it, since I am leaving such a long comment just with my first reactions!
LOL @byn Thanks hon. Glad you enjoyed it. Would love to know if and when you do in fact write that post... so I can see more of your side of things. It is always useful to gain outside perspective :)