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RE: Blockchain & Business - What You Need To Know

in #dsound7 years ago

Only a matter of time before people believe and catch on, the word "Change" people in general don't like, however Business , Economics, and Ethics, all change to adapt. I honestly believe it is the way of the future.

"These are just the beginning. In the early 1990s we had precious little idea of how the Internet would change our lives. I believe we’re in the same situation today as we look at blockchain. Get to know it. Find the benefits for you in your business to leverage its technology."

What you said there could not be more spot on, being a 90's baby and seeing the start of the Internet Boom, and the speculation behind it remiinds me of the times that we are experiencing with Blockchain & Crypto in general. Awesome little read man. Hit you with a follow as well. :)
